Friday, March 14, 2025

Agent Intercept – The highly transforming arcade car game is coming out at the end of the month

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interception agent

Developed by Studio New Zealand PikPok, interception agent Business lovers should be delighted. A mixture of a multivitamin racing game and a wild shooter, the title sounds absolutely insane. Your spy van is the perfect vehicle and can transform from a car to a boat to a plane. Only the bad guys should take notice! The game is scheduled to release on March 30th on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One.

After experiencing the zombie game with Into the Dead 2, PikPok developers tackle the unrestricted action game method James Bond With interception agent. You’ll have to sneak into strange places while you’re driving.” mace » A supercar that makes Agent 007 cars look like regular cars. Don’t stop in your race against your enemies. Scepter has a wide range of spy tools and weapons to help you with your missions.

Agent Intercept: C’est ‘over the top’

“In a world where sinister secret organizations and spy rings compete for the fate of the world, a single agent can thwart the vile attack of CLAW. This criminal organization plans to endanger countless lives. Travel the highways, coasts, mountains of the Mediterranean and even the Arctic where you adapt Your vehicle will seamlessly run with any type of terrain to traverse any environment necessary to hunt and put an end to CLAW once and for all.”
With these different game modes, Agent Intercept should delight any self-respecting action game enthusiast.

The intersection operator will arrive at Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One March 30th for €19.99. Do you want to try “Scepter”? Tell us all in the comments below or on social media: Facebook, TwitterAnd the meInstagram And the discord.
Note that the game has been available on PC via Steam since June 2021.

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