Saturday, October 26, 2024

Moni Ovadia on La7: “Atlanticism is an old iron that should be thrown into the dustbin of history.” Clash with Gasparri over Israel

(Adnkronos) – To comment on the research conducted by Adnkronos through the SocialData platform, which analyzed the online conversations of Emilia-Romagna citizens, we asked Carlo Bertini, political commentator for the Nem editorial group, to comment. “What is surprising, when reading the trending topics recorded by Socialdata, is how little the programs of the candidates for the presidency of Emilia-Romagna put the most discussed issues at the centre. See here: Data from the Interior Ministry attest to the fact that there is no crime alert, and that Italy has become safer than it was ten years ago, but it is precisely safety that arouses the most negative feelings, even in quiet Emilia-Romagna, everyone seems to be afraid to leave the house in the evening and in Bologna, the only Italian city to record a decrease of almost 6 percent in reported crimes. compared to 2019. In light of the twin towers, the negative trend on social media, revealed by the research, is focused on energy and transportation, in contrast to the rest of the region.”

The correspondent continues: “If security dominates the thoughts of voters, it does not dominate the thoughts of the candidates for the position of governor scheduled to be held on November 16 and 17 in Emilia-Romagna: no one puts it at the heart of their concerns.” Commitments, Michele De Pascal favourite, not to mention healthcare, innovation, work, environment, mobility and well-being are her strengths.”

According to Bertini, “The first point is that there is a distance, a gap, a ravine between voters and those who want to govern them. And perhaps gubernatorial candidates take little account of the perception of insecurity, which is somewhat similar to the status quo.” The heat that is perceived when there is a peak in humidity: it is much higher than the recorded temperature. What is the reason behind this distorted perception compared to the real, less alarming data about safety in Italy? Television that pours torrents of anxiety with conversations with a constant theme about the equation: more immigrants – more crimes. “In any case, the negative sentiment on security is identical in every country in Europe, and the problem of risk perception exists, although the reality is that the numbers are different.”

To explain this phenomenon, the journalist uses a paradox: “Emilia-Romagna can be said to wear the doctrine of G. K. Galbraith in reverse: in his best-selling book “La Società Opulenta,” the American economist, advisor to John F. Kennedy, denounced how the wealth of the United States had grown. During capitalism and liberalism a worse quality of public services (roads, schools, etc.) and in the area of ​​the “good life” it was precisely the growth in the quality of public services that led to an increase in the quality of life for which the people of Emilia-Romagna are grateful, if this is true. As can be seen from the AdnKronos-Socialdata research, because “the cultural and historical identity of Emilia-Romagna is an essential element of the public debate at the heart of interactions understood as innovation and technology, as elements of identity of the territory and, more generally, all analyzes show satisfaction with the possibility of reconciling work and family.” .

“These factors are sufficient – he continues – to confirm how difficult the challenge for the center-right is to wrest Red Emilia Romagna from the left, which has a strong stronghold in this region: the region from which Migliore, i.e. Palmiro Togliatti, has, for seventy years already, recruited the most difficult leaders to give strength. And the rigidity of his “PCI”: with the legendary dictate that “the organization should be entrusted to the Emilia without discussion” but also because this capacity puts Emilia-Romagna at the top in terms of well-being and quality of life: better healthcare, top schools, etc., it goes without saying. That Elena Ugolini, a courageous civic contender supported by the entire center and the right-wing coalition trying to deny that the region is doing well. Of the six points that accompany your challenge: social care, health, school, work, infrastructure and public administration, you want to highlight Shortcomings: Of course, the dissatisfied are always in the majority, and dissatisfaction prevails despite everything.

Bertini concludes with an element that will astonish those who read the research: “Hydrogeological instability does not feature in the center-left program, after repeated flood disasters in the region, and even though the environment is among the popular topics. We too and have to ask ourselves why, after security and transportation.” And energy, negative sentiment towards politics features in the top five in terms of discontent, revealing that residents critical of regional political dynamics are now heading to the polls across Italy smiling at Michele De Pascal, the centre-left gubernatorial candidate, unlike Liguria. And in Umbria, the current structure of Emilia Rossa (on paper) should not raise surprises, perhaps because life is generally good in the emergency and healthcare is excellent and for this reason it is not among the trends, few talk on social media about things that work.”

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