Friday, March 14, 2025

Chile, a Mapuche woman to preside over the Constituent Assembly – Ultima Ora

(ANSA) – SANTIAGO DEL CHILE, July 04 – A Mapuche woman, Elisa Loncon, was today elected president of the Constituent Assembly, which met to begin drafting the new constitutional charter that will replace the charter approved in 1980 during the Augusto dictatorship. Pinochet.

After the black smoke of the first vote in which 155 members meticulously chose the candidate of each represented group, the name of the Mapuche intellectual received 96 votes in the second vote, which is quite enough to secure the presidency.

The 58-year-old, an arts and linguistics graduate and university teacher, greeted the Chilean people in her mother tongue after the elections, assuring them that achieving the position was “a dream of our grandparents”.

The newly elected president raised the need to move toward a multinational and diverse nation, and said that “it is possible to rebuild Chilena and rethink the relationship with the Mapuche people.”

Finally, he said that “the Constituent Assembly will be participatory” and declared that for this reason it was decided that the governing bodies should rotate to make room for all the components represented.

The Chilean constitution in force is the only one in Latin America that does not recognize indigenous peoples, of which there are at least nine in Chile, among whom the majority were incorporated by the Mapuche and Aymara. (handle).

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