Thursday, March 13, 2025

Dancing with the Stars: Monica Bellucci’s Controversial Sensual Tango

Monica Bellucci surprisingly appeared in the Italian version of “Dancing with the Stars”. A performance that has been nominated and criticized.

The 57-year-old actress performed the highly sensual tango of dancer Simone de Pascal on Rai1’s Ballando con le stelle (Dancing with the Stars, in Italian). Vincent Cassel’s ex-wife wore a black jumpsuit that revealed a transparent bodice.

But her performance on the runway was met with a great deal of support among the audience of the dance competition. If some received a “moment of beauty” on the part of the “most beautiful woman in the world”, others found Monica Bellucci to be “cold” and “unfriendly”. Other details upset some fans of the program, who noted that the performance of the actress was not shown live, but was recorded in the afternoon.

The cameras filmed Monica Bellucci and her partner with still very narrow framed shots, avoiding close-ups of the scenography or, say, the jury. The reason? “There was no one in the studio except for the dancers,” the Italian website revealed. daily free.

The controversy did not end there, because the real reason for the arrival of Monica Bellucci as a guest of honor was the promotion of her new film La Befana Vien di Notte 2, scheduled for release on December 30 in cinemas.

But the actress refused to participate in the question-and-answer game, according to what was revealed by the presenter of the program, Mili Karlucci. “I thought she came as a guest star and that we were going to have an interview. Instead, she said, ‘No, no, I’m coming to dance.’ She said, ‘We’re going to dance to this song.'”

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