Friday, March 14, 2025

Oracle Follows Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM And Opens Its Own “Cloud” Region In Spain | comp

Oracle Accelerates Your Business clouds. The US software giant, which still owes a large portion of its sales to the sale of licenses, on Monday announced a global plan to expand its global network of data centers to support its customers and advanced that it will have fewer than 44 territories. clouds By the end of 2022, with new locations in Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Latin America.

The company is considering this expansion to Spain, where it will open its first data center and from where it will provide all services clouds which it already offers in the rest of the world, “with a scalable, high-performance architecture that ensures the sovereignty and protection of your data,” the multinational said.

Oracle thus joins other big technology companies, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft, Google and IBM, which over the past two years have announced the opening of their regions clouds In Spain. the last one , blue giant which it announced last September, when it announced that it would own three data centers in the country.

Today, our data center network includes 30 regions around the world. Now it is Spain’s turn. The goal is to enhance proximity to our customers, responding to their sovereignty and data protection requirements, through infrastructure clouds performance that helps them ensure the continuity of their business”, says Albert Triola, General Manager of Oracle Spain. The manager adds that they hope that the area will be implemented clouds In Spain “helping foster innovation in the fabric of our business and the digitization of our departments”.

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The company states that its plans are to create at least two areas clouds In nearly every country it operates in “to help customers have true business continuity and disaster protection, and to help them meet their in-country data residency requirements.” The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, India and Australia already have it.

from 30 regions clouds Oracle already has five of them in Europe: Frankfurt (Germany), London and Newport (UK), Zurich (Switzerland) and Amsterdam (Netherlands). Now, the most imminent openings are those in Milan (Italy), Stockholm (Sweden), Marseille (France), Spain, Singapore (Singapore), Johannesburg (South Africa), Jerusalem (Israel), Mexico and Colombia, according to the company. ..

Oracle has not revealed what investment it will make or in which Spanish city it will establish its region. AWS will own it in Aragon (and invest about 2,500 million in three data centers), while Microsoft, Google and IBM have chosen Madrid. The company has not specified whether it will tackle the project alone or with the help of a local partner, such as Google and Microsoft, which have partnered with Telefónica.

From oracle details its current presentation clouds, which enables organizations to deploy entire Oracle Cloud within their data centers with Dedicated Region and Exadata Cloud @ customer, deploy cloud services locally with cloud-based public administration, or deploy services clouds Remotely with Roving Edge Infrastructure. “Our strategy is to serve customers wherever they are, allowing them to keep data and services where they need them,” they assert.

Opening area clouds From Oracle is another step in the commitment to position Spain as a center Digital for Southern Europe. Last week, a consortium of DC data center companies was formed in Spain. During the presentation, the head of the organization, Ignacio Villella, already stated that the entry of new players into the country was expected and stressed that Spain could attract 5,000 million investments in this sector within five years.

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Oracle detailed that, at present, its cloud services are located through 30 business and government cloud regions in 14 countries on five continents, but that its infrastructure (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, OCI) operates 23 commercial and seven government regions. The company has long entered into an agreement with Microsoft to be able to use its facilities clouds And that the response time was less for customers.

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