Thursday, March 13, 2025

Rules in other countries

what is it villages that they decided to do Mandatory green lane? Although the European Green Corridor officially entered into force on July 1, 2021, the Union did not want to take a joint decision, leaving each country free to introduce internal rules.

Precisely for this reason, the mystery of the rules one is subject to while traveling between the various countries of the Union, such as France, Germany or Spain, is complicated by the influence of the rules introduced by individual governments. So let’s see where it is mandatory The green lane and where there is no e What are the measures in different European countries.

The green corridor in Europe: rules in other countries

Many countries in Europe decided that Green Corridor commitment extended To access different activities, others have limited it to only some specific events. However, in principle, this document is indispensable for entering almost all countries of the European Union. So let’s see what a file Rules In some European countries that have decided to introduce the green corridor commitment, just like Italy.


undoubtedly there France Is the country that decided to submit stricter rules From everything related to green traffic make it Mandatory for almost everythingHowever, there is no obligation in the state to wear a muzzle.

Specifically, the Green Passage in France is mandatory for access to shows, sporting events, fairs, festivals, bars, restaurants – even the outdoors – hospitals, retirement homes, trains and planes. From September 15Vaccination commitment For health care professionals. As for the employees of bars and restaurants, if they are not vaccinated, they can be dismissed from work without pay.

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although Germany He reiterated over and over his intent not to make the vaccination mandatory, and also decided to make life difficult for people who decided not to undergo vaccination. In Germany, the green corridor is mandatory for admission to hospitals, swimming pools, indoor restaurants, gyms, hairdressers and hotel room reservations.

The German government also decided that people who They will not be vaccinated They won’t be able to access it anymore free tampons provided by the state.


in a Greece The green lane It has become mandatory for some activities such as indoor bars and restaurants as well as for theaters and long-distance trains. access to discos Nightclubs are only allowed after presenting a certificate vaccination or a certificate of healing. Restrictions also relate to admission to hospitals except for oncology centers and emergency situations.

Moreover Children under 12 years old Certificate must appear self test Negative has been executed in the last 24 hours.


There is, too Swiss Decides to extend the Green Corridor commitment from September 13 to all persons over 16 years of age. Green certification is mandatory for access to all enclosed spaces, such as bars and restaurants, as well as theaters, cinemas, game rooms and museums. Employers can also require their employees to obtain a green card, while universities and schools are free to choose independently.


The green certificate It is also mandatory in Portugal In hotels and all accommodation facilities, as well as in restaurants, spas, gyms and casinos. Alternatively, it will be possible to show the negative result of the smear.

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The Green Corridor is also committed to cultural and sporting events hosting over 1,000 participants outdoors with over 500 indoors, as well as to parties and celebrations with over 10 participants.


Me too’Austria I decided to make the green pass mandatory, obtained after vaccination, recovery or negative result of a tampon, to access many activities such as restaurants, hotels, museums, nightclubs as well as for all tourists who wish to enter the country, where, however, there is no obligation to wear a mask.


government too Croatian decided to make green lane In some situations, for example, a digital EU Covid certificate is required to participate in weddings with more than 30 people, but also to attend sports competitions with the presence of more than 100 spectators.

Countries that do not have a green corridor

Although many countries have decided to introduce the green corridor commitment to allow access to various activities, many others They didn’t want it introduce thecommitment document. So let’s see which countries have decided not to use the green certificate.

United kingdom

L ‘England I decided not to enter the green lane commitment. Initially, the government led by Boris Johnson was assessing the possibility of making a green certificate mandatory for access to nightlife venues, such as discos and nightclubs, but also concerts, shows and sporting events, a premise that is permanently disappearing.

The question is different in Scotland The obligation to have the Green Pass comes into effect from October 1 for access to discos and clubs or to participate in shows, concerts and sporting events.

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There is, too Spain I decided not to enter the green lane commitment. In fact, the government only ordered the obligation to wear masks indoors, leaving individual areas free to offer a green certificate obligation to access bars, restaurants and nightlife venues.


Finally, at least for now, too Belgium He decided not to make the green lane mandatory. However, on September 17, things could change as a discussion is scheduled within the government.

Currently, only the mask adherence is mandatory for workers in the hospitality sector, and the green certificate adherence to travelers arriving in the country, after receiving a double dose of the vaccine, recovering or a negative result of a tampon.

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