Friday, March 14, 2025

Shrimp has become a symbol of anti-Bolsanaro why

Brazilian President Jair Bolsanaro began 2022 in his hospital room after suffering a partial blockage of intestinal traffic while on vacation. The reason for being admitted to this hospital was nothing but a shrimp.

Since he was admitted to the hospital, “Shrimp was made a national hero and a symbol of anti-fascismBarbara Serrano, a lecturer at the University of Choclay in Paris, explains: “After this extraordinary announcement, the image of small crustaceans was widely diverted to the Internet. Symbol of the struggle against Bolzano and his political camp.

To celebrate this historic day, the Sensationalist account, parallel to the gorge in Brazil, declared January 5 to be “National Day of Anti-Fascist Shrimp”.

This new fact occurs 10 months to the presidential election Or the defeat of Jair Bolzano against former President Lula.

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