Developed solo by Sam Eng, skate story It presents itself as… a skateboard game indeed, but with the peculiarity of transporting us into a surreal world – baptized Hell – At the controls of a glass skater, only Satan will free him if he reaches the moon and … swallows him up. Yes, it may seem strange to say that, but it is actually the story that will be told to us between two cycles at full speed of a sequence tricks The craziest, fight demons and save the lives of his colleagues. Aesthetically too, Sam Eng plays the fantasy card and is distinctly reminiscent of a certain SUPERHOT game.
On the other hand, for everything related to PlayAnd the skate story Instead, you’re looking to side with the Skate series. Electronic Arts – from which we are still waiting for news of the fourth part. Understand by this that the controls will be based primarily on the use of the controller’s right analog stick, which will be attached to the slide switches to multiply the variables.
But let fans of discipline alone by the hungry video game show of recent years temper their enthusiasm: skate story It will only release next year on PC exclusively (for now).