Friday, March 14, 2025

Stranger’s Wrath arrives in HD on February 11th

This is what we call a nice surprise! The developers at Oddworld Inhabitants announce that Oddworld – Wrath of Outlander It will arrive on February 11th in HD ! Not much information has been leaked, but we do know that it will be released on Xbox One, compatible with Series X | S and it will run at 4K/60fps!

this Oddworld – Wrath of Outlander It is the fourth and final installment in the series. This does not include recent remasters and remanufactures released on our consoles. Initially published in 2005 on the first Xbox, it gave us a western and above all 3D approach to being, which changed radically from previous episodes. With a playable bad-ass character, very close in design to Cad Bane in star Wars, work was prevalent there, at the expense of mysteries. As at that time, this new version will offer third-person and first-person views, in an adventure that will remain unchanged a priori.

So all that is missing munch’s odyssey, The third part, so that the circle is complete! But for the players to find it strange world Also a “headache” they reassure themselves, they announce about twenty euros, stranger’s wrath It might make you change your mind!

The trailer for the HD Switch version, released in early 2020:

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