Friday, March 14, 2025

The classic goal of vaccines: why it’s changing the future of the church

The “traditional” church is undergoing another turn. Eight years of good and organized doctrinal criticism against Baba Then come down to the level of a no-fax plot. And if there is a particular target that jeopardizes the credibility of even the most radical Catholics, it is attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic.

A situation we have already talked about and that could affect the cultural reliability of an entire “front”, as well as make the game unequal to the future of Catholicism.

Of course, the generalization would not be true at all. However, it is hard not to notice how, with regard to the Catholic hemisphere, the proponents of skepticism about vaccination and other measures to combat the spread of coronavirus are the same churches who have since criticized the Holy Chambers. Jorge Mario Bergoglio On the throne of Peter. We go to the Monsignor Carlo Maria Vigan, who is the same as the previous Apostolic Nuncio to note Through which the resignation of the Pope (a document denied by the Holy See with indisputable arguments), was proposed to American Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, one of the signatories of the the dubia On the apostolic commandment Love in Laetitia Which has always emerged in its stubbornness on the doctrinal level. Certainly very different personalities, but they are united by not being the “guardians of the revolution” envisioned by Pope Francis.

It is no secret that the arguments of Burke, Vigano and others, at least before the outbreak of the pandemic, violated part of the so-called “Catholic rule”. But also undoubtedly, with the positions taken on the vaccine and the like, I traditionalists They risk a systemic crisis, inside and outside the Church, investing above all in the credibility of the positions of devoted conservatives. Today’s stage is a turning point: it is as good for politics as it is for the Vatican. And the trend toward anti-science and conspiracy theories, especially in light of the proven effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, has consequences.

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The health emergency will end sooner or later. Among the things that will remain the same, however, there is definitely a debate about the future catholic church. With progressives and their ambitions from a church Adapted to the world and conservatives with “buen retiro” in absolute fidelity to dogma and catechism. And when the world pulls its nose out from the epidemic in a definitive way, there will be losers and winners: because it always happens in history.

Since there are already elements to be able to determine the “winners” of those who, in the name of science and collective solidarity, chose the course of a vaccine, it is natural to wonder what kind of political weight those who deployed antivaccines would have. In all likelihood, the losers’ votes would be muffled if they weren’t directly classified as filthy. And it is indeed in connection with the La Fax front, whether it is Catholic or not.

Conservative Catholics, who themselves constituted a solid minority in the logic of the Church’s authority, could lose more ground (and perhaps ultimate) in favor of those who immediately stood with the defeat of the pandemic with the weapons that science put in place. Available. So it is a sensitive stage. If blaming God for something not for the fate of mankind represents a complicated transition for those who believe. Vaccines had not been invented at the time, and it is increasingly difficult to understand the cause of some conspiracy and conspiracy theories.

For those who, as conservatives, want to console themselves on the path of no aversion to science, the path of Pope Emeritus still stands. Joseph Ratzinger, who is regularly vaccinated and who – we feel we can say – would not have supported the launch of no-vaccination requests in the Vatican.

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