Friday, March 14, 2025

The coup in Congo-Brazzaville: announced, denied and postponed. Who is behind another coup attempt in Africa?

The coup in Congo-Brazzaville: announced, denied and postponed.  Who is behind another coup attempt in Africa?

a new coup. Or maybe not: For more than two days, news of the ongoing coup in the country has been circulating online People’s Republic of the Congocapital BrazzavilleWhile the president Denis Sassou Nguesso He was on his way to New York to participate in the seventy-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly. The rumors were immediately denied by a Congolese government spokesman, Thierry MongallaSince the evening of September 17th. However, these rumors continued to spread on the Internet, especially on… account Pro-Russian. So much so that we wonder if there is no one behind them Fake news – Some signs to read more carefully. After all, after the coups in Niger And GabonAt the bottom of the chronology, several African national accounts have published a list of presidents who have been in office for decades, guessing who will be next. On the list, Congolese President Sassou Nguesso shines through his 39 continuous years in power. And not only that: since 2021, his son has become Minister of International Cooperation Dennis Christel (Former Deputy Director General of SNPC, Congo’s national petroleum company), so much so that it indicates the ruling family’s desire for succession in power. And they are exactly those Hydrocarbons The country’s main supplier, as explained by A researcher Domitila Catalano GonzagaHead of Africa Office at CeSI: “Many Western countries have economic interests in Congo Brazzaville For its natural resources: among them France With Total as wellItaly With Eni.” We must take into account that in this case also, as in other recent coups, we are talking about one A former French colonywith the associated discontent and conflicts that now cross the entire French-speaking Africa towards it Paris Its interventions are real or alleged.

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But what are the new influences on Congo-Brazzaville and who would be interested in undermining them? France Who else is here? Could there be some force or influence behind the fake news that has sparked suspicion and confusion in recent hours? Catalano Gonzaga further explains: “It’s nothing new Pro-Russian accounts Conduct campaigns misinformation With the aim of creating a state of instability and tension. “The aim may be precisely to raise fears in the West.”

He adds: “ Russia It is certainly looking to expand its economic presence in Congo Brazzaville through Investments In various sectors, including oil and gas, mining and energy. Specifically, last September the two countries signed a series of agreements Agreements to cooperation Economicalwith memorandums of understanding in various sectors, such as new sectors information technology and communications, those related to health and research, or even innovative technologies and activities Physical culture And sports. Russian companies are also involved in the projects exploration And oil production in the region. But – he adds – with the elements that have appeared so far, I do not see the alleged coup today. to threaten Russian. The situation in Congo Brazzaville is very similar to the situation in its neighbour Gabon: Countries that have been controlled for decades by autocratic presidents who are still in power. Found throughout Africa, especially in French-speaking Africa, A Anti-Western sentiment This is expanding, but above all I think there is a real desire for it It changes: Those who take to the streets are young people who no longer want corrupt governments in power. And these are not just hearsay: Sassou Nguesso’s family has been investigated several times in… United State And in France In economic and tax crimes.

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“Of course – you continue researcher -If a real coup occurs in the Congo, a new coup is possible Military government It undermines the strong relationship with France and it cannot be ruled out that it tends to get closer to it Russia And for China. The link between Congo Brazzaville and Russia It is certain that he exists so far, but so far there are no factors that can confirm the possibility of his departure from the countrythe West“.

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