Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Quadrantids: How to see the first meteor shower of 2022 from Mexico

111 inset images showing the Quaternary meteor shower, which was produced by the 2003 EH1 asteroid.  (Photo: EFE/Pedro Puente Hoyos/File)
111 inset images showing the Quaternary meteor shower, which was produced by the 2003 EH1 asteroid. (Photo: EFE/Pedro Puente Hoyos/File)

The first astronomical show of 2022 is running Quadrilateral One of the showering stars The densest of the year, along with the Perseids of August – also known as the Tears of San Lorenzo – and the Geminids in December.

The National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE) in Mexico has indicated that the quadrantide will reach its maximum activity this night. Monday January 3, and in the early hours of Tuesday 4. They will almost leave 120 meteors per hour, At a rate well above average.

Until 2003 the origin of this astronomical event was unknown. But then, in December of that year, Peter Jenskens of NASA’s AMES Research Center found evidence that a meteor shower was emanating from Asteroid 2003 EH1. It is believed that this orb was in the past Comet C / 1490 Y1, which was discovered by Chinese, Japanese and Korean astronomers about 500 years ago, of which today only the debris that makes up the asteroid is left.

In 2003, EH1 travels through space, leaving trails of dust and debris behind. When the Earth passes through the region of the universe where the fragments are suspended, it affects our atmosphere and becomes shooting stars, which we know as Quadrantids.

Like the planets, Comets and asteroids It revolves around the Sun, and on its way it leaves the remains of its nucleus. When the Earth crosses the orbit of one of these objects, its remnants interact with our atmosphere resulting in a phenomenon known as a meteor shower,” INAOE explained.

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Quadrantids radiate from Constellation Boyero or Bootes, But they got the name of the disappearing constellation Quadran Morales, which occupied part of the present-day Poirot. Here are the keys so you don’t miss out on these fleets’ functionality, which is also the highlight of January’s astronomical event.

(Photo: EFE / Ángeles Visdómine)
(Photo: EFE / Ángeles Visdómine)

Step 1: Date and time

Through a statement, INAOE stated that the Quadrantids can be seen until January 12th. However, the peak of its activity will occur on the night of this Monday January 3 and at dawn on the 4thAt an approximate rate of 120 meteors per hour.

“The best time to meditate on it will be from the dawn of the 3rd and after the radiant rise in the early hours of January 4, towards the northeastern part of the celestial sphere,” the institute said.

Second step: the place

The conditions for seeing the Quadrantids will be very favorable, because they will coincide with The moon is in a new phase. This means that the brightness of the satellite will not interfere with observation and it will be easier to capture the fleeting passage of brightness across the night sky.

As a recommendation, astronomers remember the importance of looking for dark skies away from light pollution for large cities. Given the weather conditions, it is also advisable to keep the event warm, using several layers of clothing, blankets, and hot drinks. In addition, it is necessary to adapt the eyes to the dark, a process that can take up to half an hour.

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Step 3: Where to look

Quadrilateral radiation is Constellation BoyeroNortheast of the Heavenly Vault. In astronomy, the point in the sky from which the meridian appears to fall is known as radioactive. If you don’t know how to locate this constellation of stars, remember that you can use apps like SkySafari for Android or SkyView for IOS.

(Photo: EFE/Fefo Bouvier)
(Photo: EFE/Fefo Bouvier)

All astronomical events for the month of January

January 3rd: Maximum Quad meteor shower. They will leave 120 meteors per hour.

January 4th: coupling Moon and Mercury.

January 4th: coupling Moon and Saturn.

January 6: coupling Moon and Jupiter.

January 8th: open block Messier 41 It will be well positioned for observation most of the night.

January 9: Crescent moon.

– January 11: open block Messier 44 It will be well positioned for observation, in the direction of the constellation Cancer.

January 13: Asteroid 7 Eris It will be visible most of the night.

January 17: full moon

– 25 January: open block CMa It will be in a good position for observation, in the direction of the constellation Can Mayor.

January 29: coupling Moon and Mars.

January 31: open block Messier 47 (NGC 2422) You will be in a good position to watch most of the night.

– January 31: coupling Moon and Mercury.

Read on:

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