Serie A: Roma in Empoli only in motion before the end of the first half - Football - International

Roma celebrate their 4-2 victory over FC Empoli in the 23rd round of the Italian Serie A.

Abraham opened the scoring in the 24th minute with a shot from the turn. The Englishman scored two goals in the 33rd minute. After his close goal, play resumes and Mancini also scores, but Abraham is considered the top scorer.

Guests are now already on the move and can no longer be stopped and increased to 4:0 until the end of the break.

Sergio Oliveira (35) scored a third goal, while Zaniolo (37) doubled again after two minutes of Mkhitaryan’s pass.

However, the hosts do not give up and show morale after the reboot.

Pinamonti is able to accept the ball into the penalty area in the 55th minute and lock in the shot from about seven meters into the far corner to make it 4-1. Bgrammy added excitement in the 72nd minute, as his shot was unbearably hit by Mancini.

However, the guests play the main role.

Rome is in sixth place with 38 points, and Empoli is in 12th place with 29 points.

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