Age of Empires 4 closed beta starts very soon after its announcement. Fans of strategy games can get their first experience and give feedback.
This is what the new Age of Empires 4 looks like. (Source: Microsoft)
- Start a closed beta.
- Recordings for this testing phase are no longer possible at this time.
The new strategy game Age of Empires 4 will be released in real time on October 28, 2021. Before that, there will be a closed beta.
Microsoft and Relic Entertainment announced this closed beta in a very short time. Anyone who signs up for a test flight between August 3rd and 4th will get a chance to participate.
The closed beta starts on August 5th and runs until August 16, 2021. If you missed the beta, keep it Age of Empires website In the eye and put one already insider account NS.
Pictures and screenshots for Age of Empires 4
This is what the new Age of Empires 4 looks like.
If there is another testing phase, it is very likely that it will be announced automatically.
Until then, you can check out other games coming from us or keep an eye out for free games.
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