Friday, March 14, 2025

Better Ways, the new ‘Signature’ that says a lot about CMA CGM’s ambition

In 2017, CMA CGM already marked a turning point in its positioning. By “shipping the future” and visually navigating between the sea and the starry sky, she revealed, without saying so specifically, the will of the group led by Rudolf Saadeh to go into sectors other than the Navy.

Four years ago, Rudolf Saadi had just taken over the reins of the family, but the imprint of his vision is already forming. With Better Ways, the official “signature”, it asserts itself even more.

Meanwhile, there has been a strong development – 2020 sales volume to $31.5 billion with a growth of 3.9% and a positive net result to $1.75 billion – certified diversifications – particularly with the group’s arrival in air freight. Shipping and confirmed trends, particularly towards LNG and bio-methane.

The idea of ​​a “new dimension”

The visual, presented as a triptych, shows green lung-shaped plants, a patch of asphalt, a logistics chain with cardboard and a digital tool to log it, and of course, ocean blue and features the ship owner’s containers at the end of the line. All forms an upward curve synonymous with growth.

Recent visuals take the CMA CGM out of shipment while reminding us that this is where its essentials lie. New signature means new dimension البعد “taken by the group, which” It is now playing a central role in transforming global trade » Analytics Tania Saadeh Zinni, Group Executive Vice President and President of CMA CGM Corporation.

The central role in global trade is at the core of the shipowner’s strategy, which, like all sectors, faces the challenges posed by growth and the energy transition, the key being to enable “one and the other by connecting them rather than by making two opposing arguments.” We also remember the goal set by Rodolphe Saadé, which is carbon neutrality achieved in 2050.

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Basic support for technology, CNES and aerospace including

This is where technology comes in. A brick that CMA CGM has handled for a very long time, even before the idea of ​​a fledgling country. If today its incubator, ZEBOX, located in Marseilles, supports coins dealing with maritime and logistics services, it was long before the group knew how to look at the innovative initiatives that arose in the territory and that subsequently emerged, from Traxens, with whom it worked in the container connected to Emyg, which provided her with her expertise regarding the live series.

The latest partnership was formalized in early June with CNES, headquartered in Toulouse, for a period of five years is fully in line with this technological approach in the service of “sustainable” economic development, that is, efficiency and effectiveness. It is, for example, a question of intelligent marine guidance thanks to meteorological data that should allow the efficient management of future energy hybridization for ships. New energy, in particular the exchange of experiences on the use of hydrogen, is also one of the priority areas of the partnership. Which will also benefit from the contribution of space in improving logistics.

It is clear that CMA CGM has been researching for a long time in the aspect of IoT, AI and blockchain and not only through the startup solutions powered by ZEBOX.

International Support Alliance التحالف

The new signature is “Convince that more creative, responsible and respectful solutions for people and nature can be achieved Supported by Tania Saadeh Zainy.

The choice of LNG is a good example of this. By the end of 2024, the shipping company is expected to have a fleet of 44 powered vessels as well. The group says it The best immediately available solution to reduce the environmental footprint of shipping ».

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CMA CGM Air Freight It is another pole that must gain momentum. The air freight company already has six destinations, mainly to the United States.

Then there is this international alliance, started by Rodolphe Saadé in 2019 which aims to bring together major companies and manufacturers (Airbus, PSA, Michelin, Faurecia at Schneider Electric…), fourteen in total, to think and bring together. With carbon-free mobility solutions. Which promises something concrete for 2021…

It was the French agencies, Havas Paris and Brandimage – which had already made their contribution to the previous signature – that devised these better methods. And then the new path(s) appears…