Thursday, March 13, 2025

Civilization Innovator Warns of Negative Consequences of NFTs

In a recent interview, Sid Meyer, the creative mind behind series like “Civilization,” spoke on the topic of NFTs. As Meyer explained, he is against NFTs or crypto games per se because he fears that this type of monetization will have a negative impact on the design of future games.

Sid Meier: Civilization's creator warns of the negative consequences of NFTs

Several leading publishers, such as Ubisoft, Konami, and Square Enix, have expressed interest in NFTs in recent months or have already taken appropriate steps.

In a recent interview, Sid Meier, the creative mind behind the legendary “Civilization” series, spoke about NFTs and made it clear that he’s against this kind of monetization. In the worst case, we might run into the problem that NFTs and similar concepts have a negative impact on game design itself for the foreseeable future.

“The real challenge and the real opportunity is to keep our focus on the way we play,” Mayer said. “This is what is unique, special, and attractive about gaming as a form of entertainment.”

Developers must go back to their roots

“If we forget about it and decide it’s about monetization or other things that aren’t focused on gameplay. When we start to forget about making great games and start looking at games as a means or an opportunity for something else, we lose a bit and lose our way.”

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“I think we need to make sure that our games remain high quality and fun – there are so many forms of entertainment these days,” concluded Mayer. “We’re in a good position…but we have to make sure that we understand the importance of gameplay – and that it’s the engine that keeps players happy, engaged and really fun.”

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Recently, Sid Meier worked on the strategy title “Sid Meier’s Civilization VI”, which was released in 2016 and was supported post-release with various download extensions.

those: BBC News

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