Longtime rivals who had already opposed during the fight, Booba and Dam16 once again made contact with social networks. The two set a date this Sunday in the Pont de Sèvres region.
Currently in a violent clash with Sadiq’s intertwined social networks, Booba is still largely fueling his oldest struggles. In addition to Gims and Kaaris, whom he in turn attacked in recent days, he traded again with Dam16 on Saturday 18th September. Less well known than the others, the latter, a former rapper and indigenous like Booba du Pont de Sèvres in Boulogne-Billancourt, was talked up about in 2015 after a fight against the Duke during which he ripped the famous Gucci belt. Near Rove for several years, Dam16 has just appeared with Hosni on the networks from his neighborhood, reacting to Bouba, who is currently in France. He writes that he lives only 3 minutes – when in France – from where the video was shot and that he’s never seen it, to which Dam16 replies that Rove has simply come. He watches his son’s soccer match, making fun of him and saying that his “insecurity” was his opponent. Then Kopp came back again: “I don’t need to go paranoid, you’re not going to do anything, you’re good for nothing. I’m on tour and what are you doing? Has an anonymous album released from SNEP come out? And you rap more? We’ll cross the aisles someday, you’ll tell me”.
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Scheduled Sunday afternoon
And it is clear that the two can find each other very quickly, if we are to believe their writings. After Boob’s last message, Dam16 was quick to respond, and also showed up to be very abusive: “But what do we care about your fake life as a sick person and your canceled shows for potential victims. Come on, we’re shutting ourselves in before you take off Charlie you and me without bfm and the police force, please prove you have balls like your shemales, be crazy.” Clearly deciding to settle scores, Cope answered very succinctly with a Tomorrow at 4 pm, A meeting quickly accepted by his enemy, which means that they will meet again in a few minutes (messages were posted on Saturday evening). Soon, Bubba remembers his previous fight with humor, posting a photo of him injured behind his ear during this famous confrontation, and not hesitating to provoke, again: “That’s all you can do one last time though you have a 2m05, don’t take yourself for Jon Jones back.” It now remains to be seen if they will follow their plan…

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