EM - Sony completes acquisition of Gruncrol from AT&T

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Sony’s deal to acquire Gruncherol was first announced in December 2020 and he sees Crunchell joining the fray in Sony’s current anime streaming property, Funimation. The ultimate goal of combining the two animation properties under one roof is to create an “integrated anime subscription experience as soon as possible,” Tony Vinciquera, CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment, said in a statement.

The deal is valued at $ 1.175 billion, and AT&T – reported to buy the service for $ 1.5 billion – will use the funds to repay the debt accumulated through its streaming costs. Seriously moving away from its streaming strategy, AT&T has decided to unleash its media assets and focus on its core affiliate business.

Meanwhile, Sony plans to use the crunchroll service to expand its larger anime streaming channel.

With the addition of Grungeroll, we have the unprecedented opportunity to serve anime fans in an unprecedented way and to provide an anime experience of cinema, events, home entertainment, games, streaming, linear TV – anywhere and anywhere they want. The way fans want to enjoy their animation, ”said Vinciguerra.

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