Foot Paris Saint-Germain - Paris Saint-Germain: Paris dreams of the King of Grinta after Leonardo

PSG, potentially looking for a new sporting director, is looking for Andrea Berta, the famous right-hand man of Diego Simeone at Atletico Madrid.

Real Madrid’s new humiliation in the Champions League knockout stages would be too much for some of the club’s leaders in the French capital. If it looks like Mauricio Pochettino is leaving for next season, Leonardo may also take the door in the coming months. Returning to work in 2019, the sporting director is becoming more and more lonely at PSG, as his management no longer really passes between staff. For this reason, Qatar began to search for an alternative to him. And according to information from The Telegraph, PSG is privately checking the name of Andrea Berta. Sporting director of Atlético de Madrid since 2013, the Italian is one of the main architects of the success of the Spanish club. So close to Diego Simeone, Berta made some great moves with the Colchoneros, and once again qualified for the Champions League quarter-finals. His ability to bring in technical players, who adapt to the group and can also have the experience to stick to Diego Simeone’s profile, is unanimous.

Andrea Berta is not tempted by Paris Saint-Germain?

But if PSG follows him, Berta has no plans to leave Madrid for next season. In fact, according to Marca, “The Italian intends to continue at Atletico”same “If he can take other paths in the future”. Often called by the big European clubs, especially in the English Premier League, Berta prefers to think of taking the sporting direction of one of the big clubs in Serie A, such as Juventus for example. Suffice it to say it is still a long way from Paris, which is also considering other DS. If several names have been circulating in recent days, the English newspaper has mentioned the names of Giovanni Rossi and Hugo Viana. Currently at Sassuolo and Sporting Portugal, these two recruits can give in to the temptation of PSG, even if Paris instead seeks to bring a big name at the helm of its sports sector in order to quell the anger of the fans.

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