Thursday, March 13, 2025

Fukushima detects for the first time the presence of tritium in the sea after the leak. Values ​​are still normal.

For the first time since the beginning of the treated water leak from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, a percentage of tritium has been detected…

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For the first time since the beginning of the treated water seepage from nuclear power station to Fukushimarate tritium In a sample of seawater taken about 200 meters north of the underwater outlet tunnel. So said the factory manager Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO)Confirming that values ​​of 10 Bq per liter are still below the guidelinesGlobal Health Organization For potable water, fixed at 10,000 Bq per liter.

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What is tritium

Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen and cannot be filtered by the Alpine Advanced System. Of the 10 locations monitored by TEPCO, the sample was taken at the point closest to the exhaust tunnel opening, which is 1 km from the plant.

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There are no health alerts

The level detected in the sample did not appear to have an impact on the environment or health, the director said, as the presence of tritium was below the detection limit, which is about 8 becquerels per liter, at the other nine sites. The fisheries agency said on Friday, jointly with Japan’s environment ministry and the Fukushima prefectural government, that the same applies to seasonal fish, plaice and concentrate in seawater taken from locations close to the plant, which are also below the detection limit.

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