By La Presse de la Manche writing
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As of April 5, 2022, the Normandy Displayed a Event rate 1,744.6 cases per 100,000 population, viz + 6.3% increase In one week, compared to + 47.1% in the previous week. “The virus cycle, though still increasing, is declining,” the regional health agency said.
On the channelThe increase is still low, + 3.5%.
In intensive care the activity decreases
Regionally, about 1,500 people with Covit-19 disease have been hospitalized (compared to 1,336 last week), and 70 are in intensive care. “With an average of 38 registrations per day, regular hospitalization is increasing, while intensive care activity is slightly declining,” ARS notes.
Thanks to the effectiveness of the vaccine in reducing acute forms in vaccinated people and the excellent vaccine coverage in the region, the growth rate in hospitals is much lower than in cases.
The positive rate is increasing
Between March 27 and April 4, 158,861 people were tested in Normandy, of whom 57,632 tested positive.
The positive rate has risen very slightly, from 35.5% in the previous week to 36.28%, which is a sign of a significant cycle.
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