Weather: Hurricane Daniel is approaching Europe. Unfortunately this time there will be consequences in Italy too
Daniel, the first Hurricane of 2022The first hurricane The Atlantic of 2022 formed in the middle of the ocean, whose name is Daniel. Will it also reach Europe with its threatening storm winds and torrential rain?
At the moment predictions NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The U.S. Oceanic and Atmospheric Authority) estimates Daniell’s condensation, which could reach Category 1 between Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 September, and intensify until Class 2 Monday 5th September. The windsat this point, they can bypass 150/160 km/hwith more severe flashes.
According to the latest updates, Hurricane Daniel will remain in the heart of the North Atlantic – it should not be land (reach / touch) On the mainland. However, it was not excluded that in its slow movement towards the northwest, it may deviate towards the northeast, in the direction of Europe. Some models appreciate Daniel’s success, or what’s left of her Crossing over Western Europe, affecting weather conditions in Spain, France and the United Kingdom. But this simulation is still highly uncertain and it will take days to establish more certainty about its path.
there it causes This extreme atmospheric event can be found in the extremely high temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean, which is another consequence of climate change that is occurring globally. In the central and western sector of the North Atlanticbetween parallels 40°N and 50°N, The sea temperature has reached values not previously observed in this region, with anomalies up to +5 ° C above normal values. These high sea surface temperatures have been able to support it Tropical cyclone development In this area and they play a very important role in the development of Danielle.
Then, if we analyze the overall framework of the Old Continent (the American GFS model hypothesis), we can see how strong another tornado Can invest the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula and British Isles by the middle of the month. This enormous atmospheric machine, in the center of which the pressure will drop 975 hPais also able to unleash violent winds with Hurricane force.
And what about Italy?
Our country could be affected by the tail of this massive turbulence and it cannot be excluded that the entry of the associated currents into the Mediterranean basin could lead to the formation of cyclonic vortex From 10/11 September.
Attention, nothing unusual. This period of the year is often rather sensitive due to the strong contrasts that arise between completely different air masses: the last heat on the one hand and the first cold rush from Northern Europe on the other. The history of the recent past is unfortunately full of sudden alluvial events that can cause landslidesAnd the Severe torrential rains and thunderstorms.
Possible paths of Hurricane Daniel
Hurricane Daniel from space
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