Sunday, September 8, 2024

In France, the left has reached an agreement on the name it will propose for the post of prime minister.

The left has reached an agreement on the name it will propose for the post of prime minister in France. Two weeks after the electoral victory in the snap elections and after days of negotiations, the new Popular Front has reached an agreement on the name of Lucie Castets. The move comes less than an hour before Emmanuel Macron speaks on television: […]

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The left has reached an agreement on the name it will propose for prime minister. FranceTwo weeks after the electoral victory in the early elections and after days of negotiations New Popular Front Agreement reached on the name Lucy CastetsThis step comes less than an hour before surgery. Emmanuel Macron TV: The President of the Republic has not yet spoken after the vote and chose to do so three days before the opening of the Olympics.

Castets is the founder and spokesperson for the group. Nos General ServicesAs stated in the memorandum signed by both parties, she is the financial manager of Paris Municipality and “the driving force in the battles to defend and strengthen public services.” It was also very visible during the mobilization. against pension reform imposed by Macron. The political forces explained that Castets is a “senior official who has worked against tax fraud and financial crimes, and whose background is in the voluntary sector.” New Popular Front He then addressed his supporters, saying: “We call on our people to participate with their actions in implementing the programme to meet their aspirations for a dignified life and respond to the environmental crisis.” Castets is supported by the France Insoumise coalition, the Socialists, the Communist Party and ecologists. Among the first to speak was Insoumise leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, one of the most divisive names in recent weeks and often mentioned as prime minister: “The President of the Republic must now stop procrastinating.” “He must nominate Castet and respect the rules of democracy. The country is anxious to see its decision implemented.”

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