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India: More women than men, more elderly people and fewer children in 2021 – Ultima Ora

(ANSA) – NEW DELHI, Nov. 26 – India’s population is more female than male, and it is aging and, for the first time in its history, is no longer in danger of another demographic explosion.

These three innovations stem from the identity obtained from just published data from NFHS-5, the fifth round of the National Survey on the Health of Indian Families, conducted by the Ministry of Health.

According to the research, the country’s picture in 2021 shows that there are 1020 women for every 1,000 men. that the proportion of the population under 15 years of age, in 2005-2006 from 34.9%, decreased to 26.5%; That the total fertility rate has fallen to two children per woman, a number less than 2.1, the level called the “replacement rate”, which sees each generation supersede the previous one.

The survey, covering the period 2019-2021, included 650,000 households from hundreds of districts across the country, and the census is expected next year, which will take place in 2022.

“These numbers reveal a historical shift, starting with the fact that India should no longer be called a country by the missing women, as defined by the economist Nobel Amartya Sen in 1990,” commented Yamini Ayar, Head of the Center for Policy Research in New Delhi. .

“Moreover, if the birth rate of 2 is confirmed by the census, it means that the Indian population has reached its peak and will begin to decline, as is already the case in the southern states and in the more affluent areas of the country,” he concluded. (Dealing).

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