Thursday, March 13, 2025

Kill the giant crocodile and post pictures. Texas poacher forced to shut down social profiles after animal rights protests

When you look at it, it makes an impression. On the other hand, you don’t come across a six-meter crocodile every day. Those who study them know this well. Trophy hunters know this better, and who take them out instead. As happened a few days ago in a remote area of ​​Zimbabwe, where what the hunter called a “man-eating dinosaur” was killed and hung from its neck. A well-known Texan trophy hunter named Garrett Wells, along with some pals, set out for a trek in Save’ Valley, a remote area of ​​Zimbabwe north of Kruger National Park. According to local reports, some Welsh villagers have reported the presence of the giant crocodile.

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Kills crocodiles and publishes photos, protests against animal rights

“There’s a huge crocodile in the irrigation pond,” they said. So, weapons and baggage, the group saw fit to check the news. Once there, the search began. It was easy to find a twenty-foot-tall monster. But nothing. Then all of a sudden, it was there. Only the head, huge, protruding from the dense vegetation, was affected. “It’s a beast,” said the hunter. The rest is in the photos posted on his Instagram page by Wells himself. Yes, because after being chased, apparently for several days, the crocodile was finally found, killed and hung by the neck. The ceremonial images released immediately after its publication enraged animal rights activists with “brutal and futile killings” among hundreds of scathing comments. In fact, it was read. After the protests, Al-Sayyad appears to have been forced to shut down his social profiles. The image in Wales from which the images we propose came, taken by countless international animal rights associations, was called williethekid26. An alias that represents each program.

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