Paula Rogas Share a secret that impressed all fans’Divine Network‘ He said it at first he said no” to be part of the programme.
Paula Rojas admitted it I didn’t want to Being a part of “Netas Divinas”, because I’ve been suffering from personal crisis y familiar.
Although he refuses to participate in “Netas Divinas” now Paula Rogas She appreciates being part of the project that made her “reborn”.
Paula Rojas was afraid to agree to lead ‘Netas Divinas’
Paula Rojas, journalist from 45 years Old, is one of the five drivers for ‘Divine Networks“.
Although her authentic character places her as one of the favourites, Paula Rojas admitted that she didn’t always want to be a “divine web”.
In fact, on more than one occasion He said “no” to the proposal.
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Paula Rojas in “Divine Nets” (@netasdivinastv/Instagram)
Paula Rogasalong with Natalia Telles and Daniela Magon, was a special guest on Youtube Show ‘Pinky’s Promise’.
Within the dynamics As part of the interview, the journalist spoke about whether participation in “Netas Divinas” is in her plans.
In this regard, Paula Rojas said no.
“They looked for me at the same time as everyone else (…) I didn’t want to,” he said.
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Natalia Telles, Daniela Magon, Consuelo Duval, Paula Rojas in ‘Netas Divinas’ (@netasdivinastv/Instagram)
As expected, confession Paula Rogas cause a lot Interactions Between her buddies and Carla Diaz, the YouTuber behind “Pinky Promise”.
Paula Rojas has continued to explain that her decision to let “Netas Divinas” go as a project guided him afraid.
“They suggested me from the start (and) I was in an ugly moment in my personal life. The last thing I wanted was to talk about neta or anything to do with me or my family.”
Paula Rogas
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Natalia Telles, Daniela Magon, Consuelo Duval, Paula Rojas in ‘Netas Divinas’ (@netasdivinastv/Instagram)
Paula Rojas did not go into further details about what made her afraid of exposure.
However, netizens quickly concluded that this was his operation Divorce Luis Roberto Alves “Zag”.
Paula Rojas is now ‘like the father’ of ‘Divine Networks’
Paula Rojas didn’t want to be in “Netas Divinas” for fearbut now she’s happiest to be a part of the program.
This is how the journalist allowed herself to appear, when she said that “Netas Devinas” saw her rebirth with her “sisters”.
“Sometimes the blessings are hidden with some masks (…) Today I appreciate it because you have no idea. I love them, they are my sisters.”
Paula Rogas
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Natalia Telles, Daniela Magón and Paula Rojas in ‘Netas Divinas’ (@netasdivinastv/Instagram)
Finally, Paula Rojas described herself “Like Dad” within the family Divine Networks.
While Daniela Magon is the mother, Natalia Telles is the youngest daughter, and Consuelo Duval is the “baby girl”.
“Seriously, we have those roles,” they revealed, laughing.
“Web specialist. Freelance coffee advocate. Reader. Subtly charming pop culture expert.”