Friday, March 14, 2025

Remco Evenpol wins a lap in front of Peloton under the deluge

Rembo Evanpol won the Copa Bernos solo. Leaving more than 130km from the end as a group of six, the Sheptile native crossed the thirty-kilometer distance alone from his fracture and passed alone two minutes earlier than his fellows.

La Coppa Bernacchi decided to pay tribute to the Paris-Rupex, keeping the same weather as the stones of hell in the north.

After a few attempts, a good shot starts after about sixty kilometers. Six racing teams break up, in which we see a specific one Remco Evenpol, Along with him Fosto Masnada. French Thibault Pinot (Grubama – FDJ) and Italians Samuel Batistella (Astana – Premier Tech), Alessandro Cowie (UAE – Emirates team) and Antonio Puppy (Team will continue to NextHash).

The group is getting along well and the gap with Peloton is growing a little bit. It even reaches 5 minutes 35 km from the end.

Victory is played ahead Try his luck first It is nothing else Remco Evenpol About thirty kilometers from the end.

Tessunkin’s Runner – Quick-Step Takes and Counts About a minute earlier, 20 km from the end. The gap only increases and Sheptel owns Two minutes earlier, 10 km from the end.

Surreal scene, organizers ask Stop team However, the final round was only six kilometers long, with Remco not letting him out of the race to cross the even pass.

In the blocking team, Fosto Masnada attacked in a desk-quick-step attempt to reach Brazil, but Alessandro Covey followed.

Not far from Evenpol to play for the win, two Italians will play for second place. Remco Evenpol crosses a separate fort, Under the deluge, more than two minutes to all of his enemies. In the sprint, Cowie dropped Masnada to second.

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