Thursday, March 13, 2025

Shlain, from Obama to Varoufakis, then “rebel” knight and slum activist. Chief Goddess Pd

to Roberto Grisi

In Wong Kar-wai’s cinema, The National for music, putting Christina Davina in his pantheon is a bit over the top, but she’s also human.

Pantheon, the temple of all gods. or demigods, half-men or women, also called demons, because of the division between human and divine nature, characteristic of the aspirations of politicians in particular. Who is in an empire Eli Schlein? Despite her intelligence, it would be in vain to try to pin her to the cross of uncomfortable heroes, because, with her apparent spontaneity, she gives the impression of calculating every move, not even leaving the choice between coffee and barley to chance. But there is no escape from the Marvel universe, the world of superheroes.

She was 22 when she left for Chicago without a cardboard suitcase to campaign as a volunteer to Barack Obamathe first black president of the United States, tanned, in the words of Silvio Berlusconi at the time. But the evening of victory Shlain remembers Marielle Franco, a human rights activist born in a favela north of Rio de Janeiro who was killed five years ago by 9-caliber bullets provided by the Brazilian police.

Sunday evening in acknowledgments nominated Friends are no more: Alberto Brasca, Gian Claudio Pinto, Antonio Briscoewho organized the first riders’ strike, H.M Daniel NoceraTeller fell ill on the evening of the primary. And Antonio Megalisi, who was killed in the Strasbourg attack, and with whom he shared a “dream of a federal Europe”. Giorgia Meloni did something similar, without even naming names, when she was moved after her triumph in politics. Joe Biden, who also supported him, is not his role model, but he is happy to have him by his side Kamala Harris. He also calls the pasionaria of the American Democratic Party, as its primary winner and tax adjuster for the wealthy, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. At its heart is environmental protection Alexander Langerwhich espouses the phrase “environmental conversion will occur when it appears socially desirable”.

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And again, in the chapter on sharing and appropriating ideas is feminism’s sentence Lisa Levinsteinprofessor of history at the University of North Carolina, and director of the Gender Studies Program, reposted the evening of the triumph: “They didn’t see us coming this time either.”

Thank you very much Yanis Varoufakis, former Finance Minister, broke through politically in his battle with Europe at a time of dramatic economic crisis in Greece. He supported her when Ellie engaged in an electoral challenge with “Emilia-Romagna-Curagiosa”. to praise Carola Racketecaptain of the Sea Watch ship that challenged Matteo Salvini, that prevented the arrival of immigrants. Close Greta Thunberg whose protests “allowed the climate emergency to enter the European political agenda”. on the Black Lives Matter side, but also interested in the causes of environmental vandals. Were it not for the stumbling block in politics, she would have tried to become a director, rain or shine every year she goes to the International Film Festival in Locarno. He loves oriental authors, whom he describes as poetic and solid: Wong Kar-wai and Kim Ki-duk. But also Tarantino and Baz Luhrmann.

And he does not betray the expectations of his audience: he loves Ken Loach and “It’s Raining Stones”. He was also the assistant director of the feature film “Anija – the ship”, a documentary on immigration from Albania. But even in music he has no popular national tastes: here they are Countryside feature in Alberta, a Canadian indie group that “make crazy music”. Then I Mumford & Sons and The National. In the field of comics, of course, it is not lacking Zero limestoneFrom the Armadillo Prophecy to Reportage on the Kurdish Question.

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Place his pantheon Christine Davina It’s a bit too much, but she’s also human, and it’s easy to imagine her running in the car with the windows closed and singing at the top of her lungs to the accompaniment of: O! -O! -O! cat eyes! , a song from the famous cartoon, as well as many teenagers or families with young children. Phrase from the Prime Minister of New Zealand kidnapped, Jacinda ArdernLong before she resigned, she said, to be closer to her family and because her job was exhausting: «We are too young to ignore other people’s point of view».

Hit it in Italy Fabrizio Barcelona With his forum about inequality, meeting with the author Michelle Murgia. And Eli Schlein certainly can’t be forgotten Bebo Sivati, for a long drawn out battle buddy in the Democratic Party. From her experience as a European Parliamentarian, she evokes a memory Anna GomezAnd the Portuguese who fought corruption, and ska killerfrom German Greens.

Finally, when she has some free time, as a good geek by definition herself, she indulges in her favorite video game: Monkey Island. There the protagonist is Guybrush Threepwood, an ambitious young pirate who rises to fame in the Caribbean by disturbing the plans of voodoo pirate Le Chuck. She’s kept it out of the Pantheon, but it’s a bit like her.

March 1, 2023 (changed on March 1, 2023 | 08:16 AM)

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