(Boursier.com) – The Company Visativ EBITDA recorded 22.1 ME in 2021, up +55% compared to fiscal 2020 and +19% compared to 2019 before the pandemic. An EBITDA margin of over 10% (10.3%) and Visiativ generates a net income group share of approximately 10 ME, or 4.5% net margin.
In view of this performance, the Board of Directors decided, for the first time in Visiativ’s history, to propose to shareholders, at the general meeting held on May 25, 2022, to pay a dividend of €0.45 per share in cash for the 2021 financial year.
In 2022, Visiativ intends to maintain the growth momentum and accelerate the synergies between its different activities, in France and internationally. Visiativ is therefore approaching fiscal year 2022 with confidence and confirms its target of 30 ME EBITDA target in 2023 under the CATALYST plan.
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