Friday, March 14, 2025

Sunscreens Banned On The Beach Are Harming The Environment: Here’s Where

From Thailand come the the ban to use the Sun creams and lotions On the beach to protect the beautiful and delicate barrier at the same time coral.

Millions of tourists each year choose this destination to spend their holidays immersed in tropical landscapes, yet the massive reach of visitors inevitably has some Archaeology Even on the precious The country’s ecosystemIt is for this very reason that the government has implemented legislation to protect it.

Forbidden sun creams on the beach: harm the environment

Although sunscreens are indispensable to protect us from the serious damage caused by the sun, these products contain some Ingredients until far away harm the environment, especially for corals, which is why the Thai government decided to run for cover and ban it.

According to the observations of experts from the Thai Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, these products contain four ingredients capable of killing coral larvae, which prevents its reproduction and causes septum bleaching. The main substances that cause this irreparable damage areosebenzone and theoctinoxate.

By bathing in the sea, the substances on our skin decompose in the water, even reaching the reefs and causing them to bleach. This process, along with other elements, such as ocean acidification, water pollution, and rising sea temperatures, is slowly destroying delicate and precious coral reefs.

According to experts’ statements, one is sufficient Minimum quantity of these substances to cause such severe damage to coral reefs that a drop of oxybenzone can cause damage equivalent to water in 6 Olympic swimming pools. In addition to Thailand, thePalau Island, in the Pacific Ocean, andHawaii Archipelago They decided to impose the same ban, and also imposed high fines on violators.

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How to protect the sea

Sea pollution is a problem that also affects our beaches, which is why it is important to try to adopt the gods behaviors Able to reduce as much as possible I Man-made damage:

  • inquire about on products in sun creams and lotions and check whether they are harmful to the environment;
  • do not buy spray sun cream, since during application a significant part of the product can end up on the beach sand and then wash away;
  • Don’t expose yourself too much to the sunThis will allow you, especially in hot hours, to use less sunscreen or wear a lighter, more breathable shirt.
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