The Alola region is coming soon in Pokémon GO!

The Alola region is coming soon in Pokémon GO!



For Pokémon Day, The Pokémon Company released Pokémon Presents where they reviewed each of the games that are still up to date and among them is the Pokémon GO announcement for the Alola region.

On February 27, Pokémon turns 26 years old and to celebrate that, we had Pokémon Shows in which announcements for several games including Pokémon GO were revealed. This announcement comes the day after Pokémon GO Circuit: Johto takes care of the Alola region.

Pokémon GO is coming to Alola

The announcement for Niantic was short, but it will allow you to rediscover the Alola Pokémon in the wild as the title reaches the region. From 1 Marchpokemon seventh generation He will be debuting in the game and from what we see with the humor, the newbies will be in the game for this first wave. Let’s see how the arrival of objects from the Sun and Moon will happen. In the meantime, you can find Nwadkoko Dallola Pretty much everywhere in the world.

On February 27, the Pokémon License celebrates its anniversary and like every year, we have the right to get new information about the different games of the license. So the Pokémon Company decided to reveal all this to us with a news calendar for the week.

  • Gloria Holmes

    "Unapologetic pop culture trailblazer. Freelance troublemaker. Food guru. Alcohol fanatic. Gamer. Explorer. Thinker."

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