Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Boys Season 3 Episode 3: Release Date, Plot, Everything we know so far

The Boy Season 3 Episode 1 recap

The Boys dropped the season 3 premiere with a bang, providing the same, shocking quality that had defined seasons 1 and 2. The episode has raised many questions and doubts among viewers while giving them answers they were looking for. Jack Quaid’s character Hughie is finally at peace. He’s been through a lot. He started dating Starlight, co-worker and love of his life. Now, we find out he has been working for the FBSA and Congresswoman Victoria Neumann behind a desk this whole time. It’s amazing to see that Jack Quaid can be happy after all that happened. However, as good things don’t last forever, in the world of The Boys, everything can change. In the final few moments of season 2 we saw the seemingly squeaky clean Neumann reveal that he was really the mysterious Antichrist that had been popping heads around town. Poor Hughie’s about to have his bubble burst, along with some very important body parts if he’s not careful. While Hughie is partying, Homelander is stuck in a particularly rough situation. Stan Edgar, CEO of Vaught, sees the declining poll numbers and decides to shake things up by promoting Starlight to co-captain of the Seven. He convinces her as he learns her past relationship with Homelander before they break up. However, both his professional life and personal life are in shambles. His girlfriend Stormfront is dying and half her body is missing, and Sally Homelander (Anna Friel) has left him for good. He’s the most pained by the idea that his son Ryan has been whisked away to a safe house by Billy Butcher (Karl Urban) and CIA agent Grace Mallory (Laila Robins).Watching Butcher play Connect-4 with his adopted son was a much-needed moment of humanization after all the horrible things he had done.While visiting Ryan, Butcher is also focusing on his assigned mission: stopping a superhero named Termite. After the failed arrest, Dominique McElligott, Queen Maeve, gives him exclusive intel about another target: a Zero Matter supplier in the abandoned subway system below.

The Seven held court on the 99th floor of Vaught Tower, a group of superheroes who were America’s last line of defense until their leader was killed. How exactly was Soldier Boy killed? That is what Butcher will have to find out in order to kill Homelander and finally get revenge for his late wife.Kyle Mac (Tony) visited the FBSA, demanding to know Neumann’s real name. Curious, Hughie followed the man from the office and watched him confronted by Neumann in a secluded alley. She confirmed that they were once friends but things quickly got out of hand when Tony asked her to keep quiet and then, Kimble (Neumann), blew up his brains. Because, what would The Boys be without Hughie drenched with someone else’s blood?It seems that Homelander has gone crazy, and Hughie’s busy fetching oat lattes for a mass murderer. Butcher is trapping an evil superhero in bags of cocaine. 

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The Boys Season 3 Episode 2 Recap

Despite Homelander’s excitement, calendar day selection for his birthday has just begun. But this year, things are different. When this massive ego is pressuring Starlight into singing a demeaning rendition of “Happy Birthday” on national TV, she refuses and Edgar backs her up. This is not what Homelander bargained-for. This kills his birthday plans and naturally, he’s not too happy about it. But as Edgar says, “It’s your birthday—you can cry if you want to.”illy Butcher is struggling with a difficult decision. In last week’s episode, Queen Maeve gave him some valuable information that could help him finish off Homelander for once and for all – only to give him three vials of the “V-24” serum, an experimental experiment that almost killed her. It’s been hard for Butcher so far to maintain a clear head as his rage intensifies and emotions run high.Butcher instead sends Tomer (Tomer Capone) and Kimiko (Karen Fukuhara) to a superhero-themed amusement park called Vaughtland, in order to investigate Soldier Boy. When they encounter Soldier Boy’s ex-partner, a superhero named the Crimson Countess (Laurie Holden). The Countess is not cooperative and ends up fighting the team herself. They discover that without the serum, she inadvertently kills a man in a Homelander suit.With help from Crimson Countess, Butcher pursues a friend of Soldier Boy’s to learn what happened, discovering that Gunpowder was at a gun show. However, Moore refuses to give any information on the matter and tries to kill Butcher in the parking lot afterwards.Hughie tells him that a woman, who employers believe is the head-popper they’ve been hunting…knows she’s also the adopted daughter of Stan Edgar. What happens next is Butcher can’t do anything by the book when he learns that Neumann is his daughter as well.Hughie has accepted they will never take down Vaught playing by the rules. Butcher was right, they have to be as ruthless and corrupt as the superheroes Vaught employs if they want to succeed. Inspired and reinvigorated by Hughie’s turn, Butcher decides to pay another visit to Gunpowder… who greets him with a barrage of bullets. But this time, the bullets simply bounce off Butcher’s chest and fall to the ground… because Butcher has taken a dose of V-24!Agent Homelander is on a mission, rescuing a woman from the roof of her building. He arrives too late to save her and rather than manage his emotions, he instead encourages her to kill herself.Starlight tours Homelander’s generous dollar donation to her new charity, Starlight House. But instead of clapping and smiling, Homelander grabs the mic — and absolutely loses his s—. He is done playing nice, he says, stating that he will no longer focus on apologizing or hiding who he truly is. Contradicting his catchphrase “You’re not the real heroes,” Homelander states that he is a literal god among men and can do what no one else can, including defying reality.

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The Boys Season 3 Episode 3 n Recap

In the final episode of The Boys, Homelander finally said what he really meant in a worldwide audience during his live broadcast. Meanwhile, new revelations about Neuman have convinced Hughie that the best way to take on Vought is using Butcher’s brutal and unrelenting methods for ending their power once and for all. However, Hughie doesn’t know yet that Butcher’s methods now include taking V-24, giving the user superpowers for 24 hours (and likely some very nasty side effects).Butcher used a dose of V-24 to defeat and interrogate Gunpowder, who confirmed that Soldier Boy was killed by an unknown weapon during a 1984 operation in Nicaragua — a weapon that might be strong enough to finally take down Homelander once and for all. He also revealed that his and Soldier Boy’s old team Payback was working with the CIA and Colonel Grace Mallory was their handler. After obtaining this information, Butcher brutally murdered Gunpowder while struggling to control his temporary powers.

After learning about Soldier Boy’s involvement in Butcher’s latest mission, Mother’s Milk felt drawn back to the supe hunting game. MM finally decides to jump back in with both feet after Monique (his ex-wife) acknowledges that he needs to face down his dark chapter. This episode reveals Colonel Mallory’s true background. In the present, things deteriorate as events occur. For the sake of clarity, this review has been streamlined a bit. This review will contain spoilers of the episode.

The Boys Season 3 Episode 4 plot

 No further information is revealed to the public in the fourth episode so far. We can only speculate on what will happen in the fourth episode. For starters, Starlight is in a bind once again with the fake relationship that Homelander announced to the public.After years of searching, the Ackles brothers may finally find Soldier Boy and realize that he is still alive. On the other hand, William is becoming quite ill from taking the super serum and it worries the boys.

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The Boys Season 3 Episode 4 Release Date

As a reminder, The Boys Season 3 will drop episodes on a weekly basis Friday  at Midnight. Episode 4 drops this Friday, the 10th of June, 2022. It’s possible to see it early or later, make sure you’re around that 10th round time between 7 pm EST to 3 am EST.An episode of the show will be available on Amazon Prime Video for Amazon Prime members and you will need to have a subscription in order to watch it.

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