Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Pope to the seminarians in Madrid: Free themselves from false worldly ideas, and put God at the center

Francis receives the Spanish Diocesan School community that accompanied Archbishop Cobo Cano to seize the Basilica of Santiago and Montserrat in Rome. The Pontiff answers without hesitation the questions of future priests, to whom he delivers the prepared speech in which he refers to the Eucharist as a center of thoughts and activities and asks to free themselves “from what enslaves” through silence, fasting and prayer. , asceticism, atonement

Salvatore Cernozio – Vatican City

The Eucharist is an incentive, a “teacher,” an “inspector,” a model, providence, a cornerstone, for contemplating the futility of “worldly ideas” and desires to appear and excel. Then “silence, prayer, fasting, repentance, and asceticism” as “necessary” elements to liberate ourselves “from what enslaves us and to be fully God.” To the seminarians from Madrid who were received today in the Vatican, on the occasion of the trip to Rome to accompany the new Cardinal José Cobo Cano (created in the Consistory of September 2023) who today takes over the Church of Santiago and Montserrat, the Pope indicates in the speech I am delivering where and how to place the center of gravity of our thoughts and prayers. And our daily activities: in the Eucharist, in which the transfigured Christ is present. It is necessary to enter into a dialogue with him so that he can speak to our hearts, the Pontiff recommends, but “if this is full of worldliness, of things, no matter how ‘religious’ they may be called, God will not find a place in them.” We won't hear him when he knocks on our door.”

The Pope embraces a seminarian

The Pope embraces a seminarian

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Off-the-cuff dialogue and delivered speech

With the future priests of Madrid, Francis engages in a long, informal dialogue consisting of spontaneous questions and equally spontaneous answers. Then he delivers the prepared text in which he quotes the words of the Holy Spanish Bishop Manuel Gonzalez in his message A pastoral dreamabout the dream – specifically – of “the seminary in which the Eucharist was: in order.” educationalThe most effective stimulation; In the first scientific field Perfects It's the first Theme; In a disciplinary oneinspector more alert; In this Ascetic The most lively model. And in the major economic field Care of god; And there is one architect Foundation stone“.

God is at the center

“Let us review these points,” is the Pope’s call, “to put God at the center,” that is, to make him “the foundation, the project and the architect.” Foundation stone“This is something that can only be achieved through worship, as Francis says: “Jesus will be our guardian.” educatorPatient, strict, sweet and consistent as we need in our discernment, because he knows us better than ourselves, waits for us, encourages us and supports us throughout our journey. It is our greatest motivation, because we have dedicated our lives to pursuing it.”

The Pope added: “God – adds the Pope – wants to give his people shepherds according to their hearts. We do not learn things from Jesus, but rather we welcome him and cling to him, so that we can carry him to others.” The great lesson that the Lord gives is “humanity,” or “that we have become flesh, dust, man, and humus for our own sake through love.” In this sense, it is “matter,” as Saint Manuel said.

Hearing in Sala Clementina

Hearing in Sala Clementina

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Encountering the Eucharist

And again, like the holy bishop, the Pope exhorts us “for the sake of discipline” to encounter the Eucharist every morning, “The most attentive inspectorwhich helps “to contemplate the futility of our worldly thoughts, and our desires to ascend, to emerge, to excel.” Therefore, discernment, science, and alertness are needed; however, although they are “key aspects” of the seminar, they “will not be of any use.” withoutasceticism“Imitating a model requires effort, creating a work of art requires inspiration, but also work, and Jesus did not evade all of this,” the Pope warns. Therefore, it is necessary to enter into a dialogue with him, and rid the heart of what is superfluous or the danger of interfering with his word.

Silence, prayer, fasting, repentance

Therefore, the Pope refers to “silence, prayer, fasting, repentance and asceticism” as “necessary” elements to liberate ourselves “from what enslaves us and to be fully God.” And this, he says, “is not only internal, but also external, at work, in projects, surrendering to Jesus.” Francis asserts that the Lord “will be there.” great Care of godLet us let Him propose and implement, and let us submit ourselves to His command in obedience to the Spirit.

Community of the Madrid School with the Pope

Community of the Madrid School with the Pope

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