Friday, March 14, 2025

‘The Siege of Paris’ expands on August 12

A few days ago, the August 5th date for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s second expansion was leaked. As Ubisoft has now officially confirmed, this date is incorrect, but fans can still be happy. The correct date is August 12, just one week later. In the “Siege of Paris,” Ivor and his Viking friends find France to be no surprise.

Celebrate the Sigrblot Festival with Eivor…

But players of the latest Assassins Creed game get even more reasons to pay another visit to the Viking adventure. From July 29, the Sigrblot Festival begins, where you can celebrate the summer with new activities, quests and rewards.

All participants receive 50 opals from Ubisoft, and the first one-handed sword makes its way into the game. The event will then run until August 19. If you want to participate in the Sigrblot Festival, but you must have certain in-game milestones in your pocket: in addition to getting to England and completing one of the first two lines of the story (Grantabrycgscir or Legracæsterscir), your settlement must also be at least a level 2 condition.

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… and update 1.3.0

Tomorrow, on July 27 at 2 PM German time, update 1.3.0 will follow first, which should lead to a level increase. Five levels of difficulty must be included, and the highest variable is called Nightmare. If Valhalla is challenging enough for you, you can also leave the level running.

the patch size Depends on your platform. While the PS5 should only handle 6.85GB, the PS4 fluctuates between the PS4 15.3 to 24.5GB, depending on the region. The Xbox One has a size of 17.72 GB, while the younger siblings of the Xbox Series X/S need 23.79 GB. If you are playing on PC, you should expect a size from 20.4 to 31.37 GB.

these: Ubisoft

Advertising: Order Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Now from Amazon

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