Trump does not forget his friends to comment on the election campaign in Italy:

Former US President Donald Trump He doesn’t seem to have forgotten the good relations he had with the then Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. as he says RepublicDuring an election dinner, Trump was asked to comment on the Italian campaign: “I saw, I saw. How is my leg?The reporter Paolo Mastrollilli, who assumes at this point that we are talking about the current leader of the M5s, asks: “Giuseppe yes, Giuseppe. I worked well with him, I hope he does well ». However, in Italy there will be one of the most ardent fans of the president Former American Matteo Salvini, whom he will also meet at least once in Washington. But Trump shrugs: “I don’t know, I don’t know. But Conte is really a very good person.” The relationship between Conte and Trump in the early years of the president of the grill at Palazzo Chigi was very friendly from the start. This was evidenced by that tweet, which for Conte has been a cause of harassment ever since, and which Trump contacted “Giuseppe” At the time of the end of the 1st Count and restarting with the M5s-Pd government. then remember RepublicThere was a lunch he gave at the United Nations to the leaders who arrived at the General Assembly where the American president wanted at all costs to exchange places so he could sit next to Conte. And last but not least, the cooperation shown by Italy with the Trump administration on the occasion Russiagate. At that time, the Attorney General was allowed two visits to justice William Bar which he also tried to investigate in Rome.

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