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▷ “On the Camorra Network”: a two-part ZDF series with Tobias Moretti

02.09.2021 – 11:47


& quot;  In Camorra's Network: A two-part ZDF series with Tobias Moretti

Mainz (ots)

ZDF appears on MondayAnd 6. September 2021, and on TuesdayAnd 7. September 2021, Straight 8.15 pmTwo-part TV movie.In the Camorra . networkWith Tobias Moretti in the lead role. Director Andreas Proshaska directed the story of a winemaker stuck with his dark past. Orsina Lardi, Fabrizio Romagnoli, Antonia Moretti, Harald Windsch, Precious Mariam Sanusi and Melica Forutan all play other roles. Script comes from Ben von Rönne and Andreas Prochaska based on the idea of ​​Max Gruber.

Matteo Deccanen (Tobias Moretti) lives a happy life with his family (Orsina Lardi, Antonia Moretti) at his winery in South Tyrol. One day Nino Sorrentino (Fabrizio Romanoli) appears there – an old friend from southern Italy. But Nino is more than just a childhood companion, and soon Mateo has to fight by all means to protect his family.

ZDF Productions can already be viewed as a four-part mini-series at ZDFmediathek.

Ansprechpartnerin: Lisa Miller, Telefon: 089 – 9955-1962;
Presse-Desk, Telefon: 06131 – 70-12108, [email protected] 

Images are available from ZDF Press and Information, Tel: 06131 – 70-16100, and from

press kit:

“On the Camorra Network” at ZDFmediathek:

Media contact:

ZDF Press and Information
Tel: +49-6131-70-12121

Original content from: ZDF, transmitted by aktuell news

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