Thursday, March 13, 2025

20 Years in the Academy: These were the best memes in premiere, students, judges, and production

The opening of La Academia 20 años was accompanied by many memes by users on social networks.  (Images: Twitter / @rcm_2012 / @marko_fest)
The opening of La Academia 20 años was accompanied by many memes by users on social networks. (Images: Twitter / @rcm_2012 / @marko_fest)

He gave us the first concert of La Academia 20 años, as well as a first approach to the talents who will be part of the thirteenth generation of this reality show, Endless reactions and controversial commentswhether within the forum or on social networks.

One of the topics that the public has addressed the most on social networks is the introduction and continuity of Ruby Ibarra, originally from San Luis Potosi, who led wrong – wrong – wrongby Thalia. The 20-year-old expressed: “They know me because I have been viral for a long time… I have experienced harassment and bullying on social networks.”, This refers to the widely circulated 2016 video on social networks, in which his father and mother made an open invitation to the 15th year party.

Imagen: Twitter / @miguelportilla0
Imagen: Twitter / @miguelportilla0

Ruby’s interpretation elicited multiple reactionsby the jury and the public. Some of the harsh comments that Potocina received from the panel of critics were, “That’s not your way, if you’re going to ask for a therapist every time you go up…With fear one cannot devote oneself to it,” according to Horacio Villalobos, in addition to what he expressed Arturo López Gavito: “As a musician, I don’t see a career for you, maybe you should go back to social networks.”

On the other hand, social media users They expressed their dissatisfaction with Ruby’s postAs well as the result of the open vote in which the public decided that the young woman would remain in the competition.

Photo: Twitter / @papitasfritaspn
Photo: Twitter / @papitasfritaspn
Photo: Twitter /AleJSarantakos
Photo: Twitter /AleJSarantakos

Among other topics discussed on social networks during the first concert of La Academia 20 años was the participation of Anna Barbara as a member of the competition jurywhere they criticized the participants for their presence Less harsh and aggressive Those who were in include Horacio Villalobos, Lolita Cortes, and Arturo López Gavito.

Users emphasized the differences between the criticisms of Anna Barbara and the rest of the jury.  (Image: Twitter / @RositaAraceliL1)
Users emphasized the differences between the criticisms of Anna Barbara and the rest of the jury. (Image: Twitter / @RositaAraceliL1)
Photo: Twitter / @daniel25941
Photo: Twitter / @daniel25941
Imagine: Twitter / @JessDiamandis
Imagine: Twitter / @JessDiamandis

One of the moments in which the difference between critics was most noticeable was after the participation of Roberto Bot, who became the first to be eliminated from the academy in 20 years. after being interpreted Mariposa TechnicolorWritten by Vito Baez, Anna Barbara commented: “You are a boy with potentialbut all the time you’ve been falling short of noticing, I don’t know why you don’t arrive when I know you do.”

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In response to your comment, Lopez Gavitto expressed”I think Anna Barbara sees it all through a pink veilIt’s like seeing it through cotton candy, because young man Roberto Bott not only sings badly, he is very bad in everything he does. One thing is to be out of tune and the other not to know how to sing and to sound like a rock on stage, which he showed us.”

Users criticized Yahr's performance as the host of La Academia for 20 years on social networks.  (Image: Twitter / @Patan_Principe)
Users criticized Yahr’s performance as the host of La Academia for 20 years on social networks. (Image: Twitter / @Patan_Principe)
Imagine: Twitter / @ Satanicath
Imagine: Twitter / @ Satanicath

The performance of the Yahr as show host It was another topic of the most frequent in user comments on social networks. In earlier days, while introducing the contestants at La Academia 20 años, Yahr debuted as a presenter, although not very successful, since Received harsh criticism from personalities such as TanitaA former member of the first generation of reality, and driver windows Daniel Ned.

“I consider it my brother You can do whatever you want but Yes, you have to prepare‘, also known as black golden, So highlight it Yahr “has no driving experience” As did other former colleagues of the first generation who became famous in 2022, such as Wendolee or María Inés.

Read on

Twenty Years of the Academy: Critics’ Cruel Comments at the Beginning of the Reality Show
The best memes in the entire history of The Academy
Myriam’s strategy to be the first winner in the “Academy” and what happened to her career after the reality show

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