Friday, October 18, 2024

France and the left finds its candidate for prime minister. Macron rejects and postpones until after the Olympics: “We need a majority”

The left is trying to speed things up, Emmanuel Macron refuses and postpones any decision until after the Olympics. In France, everything has been turned upside down, and nothing has changed in the end. After two weeks of negotiations within the new Popular Front, the coalition that emerged as the surprise winner of the elections managed to reach an agreement on the name it will propose […]

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The left is trying to speed up Emmanuel Macron He refuses and postpones any decision until after the Olympics. France Everything has been turned upside down so that nothing changes in the end. After two weeks of negotiations inside New Popular FrontThe coalition that emerged as the surprise winner of the elections has managed to reach an agreement on the name of its proposed prime minister: The Economist Lucy Castets37 years old, trained at the School of Excellence Ina And the spokesman for the group Nos General Services who fights to defend the public. She was the Director of Finance. Paris Municipality He came to prominence during the battle against the pension reform. The hypothesis that brought together France Insoumise, the Socialists, the Communists and the Greens was announced a few minutes after the Elysee President appeared on television and It was rejected within an hour.: The nomination must come from Macron, who himself said, speaking on France2 three days before the Olympics, that the name “is not what matters”, but “a majority is required”. Send the file again See you after the sporting event, that's it. At least mid-AugustAs expected, he does not intend to assign a mission to the left, and will put pressure on the parties. to form coalitions In parliament.

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move to the left – Select left It is not (and was not) painless. It took more than fifteen days for the political forces to reach an agreement, and there was no shortage of clashes. So much so that discontent was already spreading after the success at the ballot box, born of promises of unity. But a few minutes after Macron's first televised speech since the election, the left managed to unite around one name. Castets, they wrote in a press release with the announcement, “is a driving force in the battles to defend and strengthen public services.” A little bit of technique and a little bit of fighting.He is a face unknown to the general public, but he was the hero of some televised debates against the previous presidential majority (from consultations to McKinsey Until the last valuation of the public sector). Moreover, he boasts in his CV a path of commitment against tax evasion and financial crimes and many activities in the voluntary sector. New Popular Front In the statement announcing the agreement, he addressed his supporters: “We call on our people to participate in their activities in implementing the program to meet their aspirations for a decent life and respond to the environmental crisis.” Among the first to speak was the leader of Insoumis Jean-Luc MelenchonHe is one of the names considered most divisive in recent weeks, and has been mentioned several times as prime minister: “President of the Republic”, “now” You need to stop procrastinating.“He must nominate Castet and respect the rules of democracy. The country is eager to see its decision implemented.”

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Macron's words For his part, Macron has no intention of taking action before the Olympics are over. He reiterated this on live television when he rejected the proposal. New Popular FrontAt this stage, the President of the Elysee said:I chose stability“With ministers who have had a remarkable commitment,” because “we are not currently able to change things.” He therefore ruled out the possibility of resigning, saying he was loyal to “the mandate that the French have entrusted to me.” He ruled out any other dissolution of parliament, instead pushing the various parties to reach an agreement. “The French people have entrusted me with a mission that I will carry out to the end,” he said. “My desire is for the stability of the country.” Macron also defended the option of dissolving the National Assembly and calling early legislative elections, saying he took this decision “very seriously because the Assembly no longer corresponds to French society.” Expressing himself briefly on the merits of the new Popular Front proposal, Macron said: “The point is not a name given by a political formation, The question is what majority can emerge in the National Assembly? So that the government in France can pass the reforms, pass the budget and move the country forward.” Now the initiative is up to him and Macron has set it. A new prime minister will not be appointed before the end of the Olympics (mid-August).The president insists that he does not want to acknowledge the victory of the Left Front in the opinion polls, and indeed, during the interview, he referred to Marine Le Pen's National Rally party as the first party of the French. He also condemned the decision of Mélenchon's party Don't shake hands with far-right MPs During the vote to elect the President of the National Assembly. In short, the road is tough for the left, but also for the head of the Elysée: if there is Olympic Truce This is only because, again, he imposed it.

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