Friday, March 14, 2025

American Mars Petcare announces major investment and job creation at its factory in Loiret

“France is attractive to large international groups” : This is the message of the government, in the framework of the “Choose France” day organized on Monday. The head of state and several ministers have traveled to the regions to highlight the weight of foreign investment in our economy: Frank Riester, Minister Plenipotentiary for Foreign Trade and Attraction, came to Saint-Denis-de-the-Hotel in Mars Petcare on Monday morning.

Frank Riester, center, with Mars Petcare & Food France CEO Romain Dumas, and Loiret Governor Régine Engström
Frank Riester, center, with Mars Petcare & Food France CEO Romain Dumas, and Loiret Governor Régine Engström

The American company that manufactures dog and cat food Investing 85 million euros in its Loiretain . site. Faced with particularly strong demand for “fresh bags” (+10% per year for the past three years), the renowned companyshoes“And which is the main products created here in 1993, will establish two new production lines, which will allow Created 70 jobs.

The image of France has changed! “

Frank Riester is pleased to see that “The image of France has changed”, according to him. “For years, we have observed deindustrialization in the country, with social dramas, desertification in some areas, and a vicious cycle that has spoiled these areas. Now, we are seeing the opposite: industrial companies investing in the regions, including companies from other countries, that It invests in France. It hasn’t fallen from the sky, the French president of Mars clearly tells us that the group has chosen France because there has been a very clear improvement in the French tax environment. So it proves that the policy is somewhat beneficial”The Minister rejoices, with a well-rehearsed speech less than three months before the presidential election.

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The interior design of the Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel
The interior design of the Saint-Denis-de-l’Hôtel
March Pitcare

For his part, Romain Dumas, CEO of the French pet and food company Mars, points out: “We will increase the production of soft bags by more than 70%. [marques Whiskas et Pedigree]Adding 45,000 tons to the annual production we are already doing today. After that, we will continue to update the existing tool. Finally, the new lines we will build here will be able to accommodate recyclable bags in the future because we are committed to ensuring that by 2025 100% of our packaging will be recyclable.”

The installation of the two new production lines should begin at the end of the month. They will be operational by 2023. She was very reassured and satisfied with this, that she was on site during this visit on Monday, Florence Galzin, deputy mayor of Loire and mayor of neighboring Chateauneuve-sur-Loire, said. advertisements. We recall that Mars Petcare employs 450 people in Saint Denis de l’Hôtel The company has been around since 1973, and in 2019 the company announced a social plan on Loire Valley… before it was discontinued. “Three years ago, the company posed the question of investing in this location or in other French regions, or even anywhere else in Europe, so this announcement is indeed good news for the region! “

Note that our reporter was not authorized by the company to take photographs during the visit to the Mars Petcare factory in Saint-Denis-de-Lôtel on Monday. The images in this article are courtesy of Mars Petcare Group.

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