Thursday, March 13, 2025

Apple warns of cybercrime risks if EU forces third-party software | Economy

Apple This Wednesday doubled its criticism of the draft rules European Union (EU) It will force its users to install Software From outside its App Store, citing the risks posed by cybercriminals and malware.

The iPhone maker has been harshly critical of the rules proposed by EU hopeless leader Margaret Vestager, a division of Plus, Amazon, Facebook and Google, which announced last year.

Apple on Wednesday released an analysis of software transfer threats from outside its store, examining comments made by its CEO Tim Cook in June about the privacy and security risks of iPhones.

“If Apple were forced to support external software transfers, the most malicious applications would reach users because cybercriminals could easily attack them, even if the download is limited to third-party app stores,” the report said.

The company warned that malicious apps could migrate to third-party stores and affect consumer devices, while users have less control over downloaded apps.

The study cited data from Kaspersky Lab, a cyber security service provider, which shows that nearly six million attacks a month affect Android mobile devices.

Apple also targeted digital advertisers, with whom it disagreed about new privacy restrictions designed to restrict iPhone users from being tracked.

“Large companies that rely on digital advertising claim to have lost revenue due to these privacy features, so they may be encouraged to distribute their applications through site-download to avoid these protections,” the report says.

The green light is needed before Westager’s draft rules become law for EU lawmakers and EU countries, probably in 2023.

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