Friday, March 14, 2025

Ben Mazoui separated from his wife after a move: “We also took our demons in our luggage”

to Ben MazouiSuccess on time! The singer and composer has been in the shadows for a long time, and has finally found a place in the light to suit his talent, and he is the one who often signs animated texts and melodies. his last album, the Paradiseis a small musical pearl, in which he alternates between spoken and vocal parts.

But if his texts are often touching, it’s because they drew inspiration from a difficult part of his life in recent years: his divorce from the mother of his two children, Milan and Axel, ages 10 and 8. After more than ten years of living together, the singer and his companion decided to separate after trying a last-chance solution: the family’s departure to Reunion.

In the end, we also took our demons in our luggage and slept there once‘, trust him this week in Paris Match. Then the singer and his wife succumbed to a breakup, a break that gave the hit album a hit. “A breakup is not always a failureHe recently told the Belgian newspaper Eveningwould have at least allowed him to put evils to music for a great recording.

He’s also a composer for his friend Grand Corps Malade, for Jérémy Frérot or for singer Apple, but he still manages not to have bad memories of Reunion Island, even if he’s having a hard time there. “I guess there are no certain reasons why you should like a placeexplains to Paris Match. I love Paris. I can see what’s wrong with this city, but that doesn’t stop me from loving it. I feel the same for Reunion.

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If all goes well, today, in the career of Ben Mazieh, the singer must strive to rebuild a passionate life and ask himself more or less existential questions. “I am 41 years old. For many people, a midlife crisis wakes up one morning realizing that we’ve done everything we’ve been expected to do for years and that it’s time for a change. I feel like a midlife crisis has lasted my whole life!“, Concludes.

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