Thursday, March 13, 2025

Blanquer Announces Level 2 Health Protocol – Liberation

COVID-19 pandemic in Francea file

Less than two weeks before the start of the school year, the Minister of National Education finally outlines the features of the health protocol that will be in place as of September 2. Level 2, considered insufficient by many educators and epidemiologists.

Face-to-face lessons in schools, colleges and high schools, an indoor mask is mandatory from primary school onwards, reduced mixing, enhanced ventilation with carbon dioxide sensors, etc. About ten days before the start of the school year, Jean-Michel Blanquer finally, in an interview with Sunday newspaper, outlines the approved health protocol for the start of the school year, among the four options that were revealed at the end of July, which were created according to the degree of spread of the virus. So it is a level 2 protocol maintained (yellow).

in the pulpit in Globalism Posted ThursdayAbout thirty physicians, scientists, educators, and researchers, including epidemiologists Dominic Costaliola and William Dubb, nonetheless considered this level of alert grossly inadequate: “It seems unreasonable to us today, for the majority of French departments, to consider resuming level 2 of the health protocol, while the infection rate among 0-19-year-olds is five times higher than it was at the beginning of the school year. 2020 “, Type the two sites.

The Minister of National Education also announced the launch of a vaccination campaign “In all colleges and high schools in France”, regarding Students and staff “Near or within their establishment”. “Depending on the situation, mobile teams will come for vaccination in the institutions, or we organize the transportation of volunteer pupils, in connection with health services, to the vaccination centers”, Select the minister. About 55% of people aged 12-17 have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

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In the event of classroom contamination, a seven-day isolation period at a remote school for vaccinated students would not be required, either “The same rule applies to the rest of the population,” The minister argued. To specify: An unvaccinated student is in a more dangerous situation than a student who has received at least one injection. Asking him to stay home in case of risky contact is to protect him and others.” In order to protect medical confidentiality, the pupil’s vaccination status will be reported on the basis of the vaccination certificate from the parents. At the primary level, children who are not old enough to be vaccinated, the rule remains to close the entire class for seven days in case of contamination.

For school trips, students will not be required to obtain a health permit in places where they do not mix with the public (swimming pools or libraries). But starting September 30, for ages 12 and up, it will be ordered in places that require it.

While in the West Indies, the health situation is catastrophic, the heads of the Guadeloupe regional and regional councils, as well as the island’s mayors’ assembly, wondered on Saturday. Postponing the start of the school year. They believe that the current epidemic context does not allow “The start of the new school year on the dates set by the state departments at the beginning.”, that is, the first week of September, they write in a press release, calling for it “In-depth consultation with state services, academic authorities, and representatives of the school community” In order to decide on new re-entry and ways to implement it.

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