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Bonus 200 euros for the month of July, it’s not like that: for a little and a spread

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In today’s article we will clarify the alleged Bonus of 200 euros in July 2023 For workers and about the upcoming salary increase (find out the latest news about the €150 bonus and then read all the news about INPS payments on Telegram. Get the latest updates about bonuses, personal finance and work on your mobile phone every day: enter our WhatsApp group and Facebook group. Follow us on Instagram for all your questions Watch the free video guide on bonuses on the Youtube channel.To continue reading the article from your mobile phone, click «Read on» after the image below).

The whole truth about the alleged €200 bonus in July 2023

In recent years, one-time benefits have been paid to workers and unemployed, known as 200 euro bonus and 150 euro bonus. However, it should be clarified that the one-time compensation has not been renewed this year There is no real bonus of 200 € 2023.

Instead, in order to reduce the tax wedge and raise the net salary of employees, he chose the current CEO relief from the contribution. Practically speaking, in the year 2023, the contributions to be paid are reduced and thus the net salaries of employees are increased due to this facility.

So, in 2023, there won’t be any 200 Euros paycheck The same as last year, but employees (public and private) from July to December will receive higher salaries due to a partial reduction in contributions.

Another thing to be clear is that a 200 euro bonus (like a 150 euro bonus) was due to employees, the unemployed, VAT numbers, and even doctoral students. Supporting contributions, on the other hand, is just for employeeswhether in the public or private sector.

There is no reduction Contributions to VAT figures or to employers, who in any event must pay the full subscription rate for themselves and their employees.

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Finally, the contribution exemption request is not required and is automatically applied to the July-December 2023 payslip.

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Who is eligible for a salary increase in July 2023?

L’Exemption from salaries It belongs only and exclusively to those working in the public or private sector.

there Budget Law 2023 Indeed, it has been established that for this year the exemption for employees, which reduces the proportion of contributions to be paid, must remain in force. particularly From January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023 A cutoff in this percentage scale has been applied:

  • 3%for salaries up to €1,923 (€25,000 per year);
  • 2%for salaries of up to €2,692 (€35,000 per year).

Subsequently, a labor decree was issued (no. 48/2023, art. 39) Increasing the exemption rates by 4 points. in the order From July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 A reduction in the contribution rate will be applied equivalent to:

  • 7%for salaries up to €1,923 (€25,000 per year);
  • 6%for salaries of up to €2,692 (€35,000 per year).
Article 39 of the Labor Decree.

Salary increases schedule in 2023

This is the table with the data processed by the study De Fusco Labor & Legalwhich shows the amount of salary increase in 2023 for employees, based on total annual earnings.

Gross annual salary Net monthly increase from July 1 to December 31, 2023 Annual increase amount from January 1 to December 31, 2023
10,000 euros 25.67 euros 269 ​​euros
12,500 euros 32 euros 336 euros
15,000 euros 38 euros 404 euros
17,500 euros 43 euros 430 euros
20,000 euros 49 euros 460 euros
25,000 euros 55 euros 548 euros
30,000 euros 56 euros 576 euros
35,000 euros 65 euros 591 euros

How the thirteenth increase in 2023?

The Labor Decree provided for the extension of the exemption from contributions It does not apply to the thirteenth. In fact, only the contribution exemption stipulated in the 2023 Budget Law applies to this month’s salary, and it is to a reduced extent.

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In detail, only for the thirteenth month of 2023 there will be a Contribution exemption In these percentages:

  • 2%Provided that the salary of the thirteenth month does not exceed 2692 euros.
  • 3%Provided that the salary of the thirteenth month does not exceed the amount of 1923 euros.

We remind you that the thirteenth also dates back to retirees INPS, however these are not co-facilitators. In fact, exemption from contributions is only for employees and in no case for pensioners, neither on the usual amount of the pension allowance, nor on the thirteenth month.

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Will the number of fourteen workers increase in 2023?

there fourteenth It is an additional month that some workers in the private sector are entitled to and their wages are paid between June and July of each year.

No tax exemption is applied to the 14th salary of workers, on the contrary it could have a negative impact and cancel the July increase.

In other words, the 14th is paid with the salary of the month of June or July and added to the amount of the monthly salary.

Because the exemption from the contribution is due to the worker only if Gross monthly salary not exceed i 2692 eurosIf the salary in the fourteenth month exceeds this amount to the entire salary, the exemption from subscription cannot be applied for that month.

Should I request a salary increase in July 2023?

starting from July 2023 Until December of the same year, all employees who are entitled to receive exemption will witness the contributions to be paid Apply directly to the paycheck.

The exemption from contribution is not actually a required facility, but simply Recalculation of contributions Which happens automatically on salary. In practice, the worker should do nothing but enjoy a higher salary.

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FAQ Bonus 200 euros in July

What is the “200 € bonus in July 2023”?

The “200 euro bonus” was a one-off allowance paid out in recent years to workers, unemployed, VAT number holders, and doctoral students. However, for 2023, this allowance has not been renewed. In its place, the CEO opted for a partial contribution cut. So instead of receiving an extra €200 in paychecks, employees will see an increase in their net salary thanks to the contribution cut.

Who will receive a salary increase in July 2023?

The July 2023 salary increase is only for employees, in both the public and private sectors. This increase is the result of a partial reduction in contributions, which reduces the amount workers have to pay.

How does the 2023 salary increase work?

From July 1, 2023, employees who fall within certain annual gross earnings ranges will benefit from a reduced contribution rate. This means that they will see an increase in their net salary.

Will there be changes to the XIII in 2023?

Yes, but only in terms of exemption from the contribution. For the thirteenth month of 2023, the exemption from contributions will be reduced compared to the general salary increase.

Do I need to apply for a July 2023 salary increase?

No, it is not necessary to submit any application. The salary increase will take place automatically from July 2023 and will be visible directly on the payment receipt.

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