speaking in contact with half an hour more – The program presented by Lucia Annunziata which airs on Sundays on Rai3 – Romano Prodi Focused attention on the actor supporting the Ukrainian crisis: China by Xi Jinping. “In this case, it does not exist, or rather it does exist but it does not show – as the professor stated – some statements in favor of Russia a little more vaguely, but it does exist.”

Brody explained that this is China’s strategy to become stronger and stronger, form alliances, and in a way not appear aggressive at all. What is important in this case is that its presence now has increased the interest of the United States in it, making it much stronger. Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is the objective truth of things, the Chinese know how to behave in the background, in the long run. Relations between China and catholic church It has always been difficult – Brody added – because they are the only two institutions that think in terms of centuries, not days.”

While waiting to understand whether the ongoing conflict would become armed, Prodi spoke of the “gas trap” Italy had fallen into: “We are in Russia’s hands. The Russians let us swim but sometimes they keep us a little underwater.”
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