Thursday, March 13, 2025

Covid vaccination meeting platform blocked by hackers

En Italie aussi, les antivax font parler d’eux… Des hackers ont attaqué les systèmes informatiques d’une société qui gère les rendez-vous de vaccination contre le coronavirus dans la région du Latium, autour de Rome, et l’arvoqué platform.

“A powerful hacker attack is underway,” the regional authorities said in a message posted on Facebook. “All systems have been disabled, including those for the health portal and district vaccination network,” they added, adding that the vaccination schedule is at risk of being delayed.

The ‘Green Corridor’ is mandatory from August 6th

The Italian news agency, ANSA, said the Italian Communications Police and the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rome had discussed the case and may open an investigation to try to identify the perpetrators of the attack.

In the face of a resurgence of Covid-19 cases, Italy will impose a health permit from August 6. Italians will have to file green pass To go to bars and restaurants, visit a museum, go to the pool, go to the cinema or the theatre. As in France, the announcement of this measure sparked many demonstrations by people opposed to vaccination.

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