Saturday, October 26, 2024

Details about the new Freebot service

Free: Details about the new Freebot service

Free gives us details about its new WhatsApp chat program

We announced on Monday that Free Support has launched a chatbot on WathsApp, which therefore allows 24/7 access to online help for Free Mobile subscribers. Many clarifications have been provided to us since then. First of all, to access the free WhatsApp channel, at the moment you need to go through the Freebox subscribers area, in the “Help me” section, both for mobile help and on mobile .. But Free tells us that he thinks To the other anchor points of the WhatsApp button, for easier access.

Another important subtlety, sI’m freesay so if “Chatbot Mobile does not understand the question asked, or the person completely wants to talk to someone, we are obviously offering Freehelper assistance. Freehelpers is available to everyone but applies more specifically to all high value-added requests.”

More tellingly, since the last production release, Freebot is capable of making jokes, it’s up to you to test!

Free explains that Freebot is designed for the mobile world. He is able to answer questions of FreeMobile subscribers, as well as questions about the various offers and services offered. Today this service is integrated on the free WhatsApp channel and soon to replace the Mobile Chatbot found in the online help of the contact page of mobile subscribers,

Free tells us that this new service was set up by employees of the subscriber relations department, as well as the developers. We were able to collect testimonials from some of them:

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Celine, Expert Knowledge Manager at Chatbot explains: “We have given a personality to the Chatbot, he is able to answer certain questions that have nothing to do with technical or commercial assistance. Of course, he will not tell you what the meaning of life is, but we have imagined several questions that you can ask him… It is up to you to find out!”

For his part, Barth, a knowledge management expert at Chatbot . points out “Our experiments on its behavior during the various experimental testing phases enabled us to improve their results each time. Seeing the testers fail to trap our robot was very satisfying!”

Finally, Estelle, the expert Chatbot Knowledge Officer reports: “It was quite a challenge for the team and for me to learn how to use this tool and see the Freebot ‘brain’ forming little by little thanks to the many learning sessions that took place, not without obstacles, moreover.”

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