Thursday, March 13, 2025

Domestic Crafts from Mexico Seek ‘Priority Treatment’ with D-MEC-L Financeio

On the second day of the meeting of the Free Trade Commission on Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada (D-MEC), 11 groups tabled various issues for promoting and strengthening trade in the North American region.

The topic raised by the Business Affairs Committee is one of the most notable topics In textiles and apparel, requirements are established so that domestic handmade, folk, traditional or handicraft products can access T-MEC’s ​​preferred payment treatment.

“We must continue to work to improve our business relationship and the collective production base we have reaped after nearly thirty years of economic integration so that workers, farmers, entrepreneurs, SMEs and historically unrepresented groups (such as indigenous peoples) can take full advantage of the benefits of this agreement. Economic Secretary Tatiana Clutier said.

Another topic discussed at the meeting was the responsibility of the Agro-Biotechnology Products, Health and Phytosanitary Operations Committee, which last week denounced the biotechnology innovation body (BIO, for its abbreviation in English) for violating the obligations acquired by Mexico.

“Mexico reaffirmed its commitment to ensure compliance with the obligations considered in the Chapter on Health and Phytosanitary Activities and to address any issues and concerns that may arise in a timely manner,” the Ministry of Economy said in a statement.

On the other hand, a group of state-owned enterprises discussed the importance of transparency in the functioning of state-owned enterprises (EPEs) such as PEMEX or the Federal Electricity Authority (CFE).

“T-MEC Partners agreed to the following steps for future negotiations in the SOEs to incorporate this type of sub-central level entity into the provisions of Chapter 22 of the T-MEC regarding State-owned enterprises and designated monopolies.”, Highlights Economy.

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During the meeting, it was emphasized that North American partners continue to work on a technical level and in the interpretation and proper application of appearance rules for automotive products.

Other groups that made progress were customs and trade facilitation, technical barriers to trade, good regulatory practices, competitiveness, transportation services, financial services and intellectual property.

The meeting was attended by US Trade Representative Katherine Tai and Mary Ng, Minister of Small Trade, Export Promotion and International Trade of Canada.

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