WhatsApp, the instant messaging application, has become popular among users for the variety of options it provides them to communicate, such as: stickers, photos, videos, documents, and even emojis. And specifically, the latter is so used that they even have their own special day, which is celebrated on July 17.
Although most of the emoji have been well received by fans of the app, there is one that has caused confusion among users and that is the Chilean flag. Do you really know what this emoji represents?
Currently in WhatsApp there are more than three thousand emojis divided into: emojis, people, animals, nature, foods, drinks, activities, trips, places, things, symbols and finally flags. In this last section is where the emoji in question is located, at some point some users identified it as the Chilean flag, but this is not the case.
Capture: Emojipedia.
This emoji has a blue stripe and a lone star, but it has nothing to do with the southern country, on the contrary, it represents the state of Texas in the United States, Emojipedia revealed. The portal even titled Texas flag (United States – Texas).
As we remember, Texas was part of Mexico between 1821 and 1836, when the United States showed interest in annexing the territory, which it achieved at the Battle of San Jacinto.
Remember that you can find out the meaning of emojis, tricks and more WhatsApp news at Libero.pe