Thursday, March 13, 2025

France and the “friendly dinner” scandal: the secret meetings between the Macrons, Le Pen and Bardella

toStefano Montefiore

In recent months, dinners have been held between members of Macron's majority, Le Pen and Bardella, at the Parisian home of Macron's informal adviser Thierry Soler. Bayrou (band): “Wrong signal.” RN: “We are not victims of the plague”

From our correspondent
Paris – In the field, in parliament and in the media, weeks of “democratic mobilization”, “barricades against the extreme right”, and a “sanitary cordon” against Libyan candidates not present in the National Rally, in defense of the principles of the Republic.

In Thierry Soler's private apartmentan informal adviser to Emmanuel Macron, has been in the news in recent months. Dinner between the presidential majority camp, Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardellacharacters that are clearly not uncommon.

Revelation for ReleaseThe report, released Tuesday evening, continues to stir debate among French politicians involved in the already difficult search process. New Prime MinisterThe meeting place is Thierry Soler's new home on Rue de Lavalley, in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, in the trendy neighborhood south of Pigalle. The constant comings and goings blue car Based on security guards To the gatherings of the Parisian political class that it aroused Attention neighborsFinally, the journalists. The meetings continued even in the days of crisis following the European elections, because two witnesses said they saw Jordan Bardella leave the door of Domali Street and get into his usual DS car, which was waiting for him in the street, nearby. 4.30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 12.

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Soler's role and these meetings will be Facilitating informal communication among the centrist majority Who has supported President Macron so far? And the opposition of the National AssemblyAmong Soler's guests was the former centrist prime minister. Edward PhilipWho confirmed during a television interview that he had dinner with Marine Le Pen last December. “Yes, it is true, we had dinner together because we know very little about each other – said Edouard Philippe -. And on the occasion of that dinner, which was friendly, we found that we had eaten “Very deep disagreements on many issues.”Journalist Gilles Beaulieu, who was interviewing Philippe on Channel One. RF1He immediately replied,Did you need to have dinner together to see him?».

It's not a question of anyone's right to talk to anyone, of course, but a question of the right political opportunity:The starting points of the legislative elections that were just held, with Resistance From various parties to obstruct the national assembly, is that The National Front is not an ordinary party.And that its advocates do not enjoy the same political dignity as others. An assumption that faltered when we later learned that Edouard Philippe, one of the regime’s heroes, was going to have dinner with Marine Le Pen. “It’s a false signal,” he immediately commented. Francois BayrouPhilippe's partner in the centrist Ensemble coalition that came in second behind the New Popular Front.There is an unbridgeable gap between us and the far right., We must not multiply the signals favourable to the National Front.Which may suggest rapprochement.

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Also distancing from the side Gerald DarmaninInterior Minister:”Edouard Philippe has dinner with whoever he wants, but I wouldn't have dinner with Marine Le Pen.». Great anger on the left, for example from the deputy of the New Popular Front, Benjamin Lucas“All these Macronists were elected thanks to the reluctance of the candidate of the New Popular Front, who now wants to impose control over our potential government, Would it be going to dinner with Marine Le Pen then?».

The revelation of the famous dinner is beyond doubt. In favor of Marine Le Pen and the National Rally partyWho can denounce between the lines the hypocrisy of the regime that In public he tries to keep them on the sidelines but in private he visits them. In view of possible future collaborations. He says: “I also had dinner with Thierry Soler some time ago. Sebastian ChinoVice President Rn – You can have dinner with a colleague who doesn't share the same political views. In a democracy, you can have dinner with whomever you want. That means we're not victims of the plague.”

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