Specializing in natural reference enhancement, Botify has a strong presence in the United States.
Being poorly referenced in search engines is synonymous with missed opportunities, and therefore income, for websites. It’s to help publishers improve their natural references (search engine optimization, or search engine optimization) by identifying and correcting the search engine optimization (SEO) anomaly generated by the French startup Botify in 2012. “Google bots ignore half of the web pages that make up a website”, recalls its CEO, Adrian Maynard. Botify is here to fix it.
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Nine years later, the start-up of 200 employees is now located in Europe but especially in the United States, where it generates 60% of its turnover. The latter, which is confidential, has tripled in two years, and Botify has set itself an annual turnover goal of $100 million. Within three years, it plans to generate 70% of its revenue in America, 20% in Europe and 10% in Asia Pacific, where it will open sales offices in Tokyo, Singapore and
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